If there’s one thing you admire Taurus for above all else, it’s their loyalty. Cancer being a water sign lives in accordance with his/her feelings while Aquarius, an Air sign, lives in accordance with his/her thoughts. But hear them out. This can only be a strong friendship if they come together and work at their conflicts and differences and use it to both of their benefits. Pisces also can help draw Cancer out of his or her shell (at least a bit! Aquarius and Cancer . Friendship with them can be very intriguing because they know everything about politics, the environment and different humanitarian causes. On the other hand, Cancer's knack of emotional manipulation will certainly not bode well for Aquarius either.

Libra matches really well with Aquarius. This sign is your go-to for book and playlist recommendations, and loves talking through what a work of art actually means, rather than just stopping at "Did you like it? Friendship compatibility for Aquarius and Cancer. When they do reveal their emotional life, it's a big deal, and it means they consider you a part of their inner circle. A Cancer and Aquarius friendship is a prime example of a potentially boring friendship, as these two individuals will find it easier to ignore each other than to respect and hear them out. The greatest thing about their friendship is the fact that they can join forces and achieve everything they want. However, the respect and admiration between them are always present, so it’s easy for these two to get along very well when together.

Aquarians are great intellectuals, so it’s a good idea to challenge them with a powerful debate. There are two very different perspectives coming into play in the Aquarius and Cancer love compatibility match. These people live by their own rules and prefer to think outside-the-box. For example, the Aquarius can come up with many inventive solutions to problems that seem to have no answer. They approach love similarly and will start off as good friends. Because of this, they might have a lot of trouble in the Aquarius Cancer love compatibility.
While Cancers, like their spirit animal the Crab, are known for their thick outer shell, trust that the standoffishness is all an act. While Cancer often retreats into its shell, Aquarius takes every opportunity to be the extrovert, the organizer and party animal. The two of you are quite active and may enjoy workouts at the gym or brisk jogs through the park. Your contradictions are an endless source of fascination for this natural detective. The Cancer will always teach the Aquarius how to be less defensive, while the other way around, the Aquarius will show the Cancer how to no longer act so self-consciously. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. You’re constantly amazed by this sign’s breadth of knowledge, while Libra is impressed by your depth of it. When it comes to friendships, communication is also essential, so the Cancer is an excellent pal who loves to listen and to talk about the most important problems in a person’s life. Aquarians are very unconventional and considered the most eccentric natives of the zodiac. You might enjoy physical activities like rowing and hiking. Meanwhile, it’s a miracle if you can find a pair of matching socks.
Get an in-depth analysis of your friendship’s potential with a Friendship Compatibility Astrology Report! The Cancer has many emotions, the Aquarius is ruled by logic. When it comes to friendship, the Bull is as true as steel. Pisces is a pleasing friend for you, mostly because you share their humanitarian instincts. Which they do! As such, this can be a case of opposites attract, but that opposites complement as well. Getting together with your Aquarian pal may be one of the few times you feel normal. They love to find themselves amongst friends; social settings are simply their thing! Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. The two of you will enjoy embarking on adventures together, especially ones that involve an element of danger, like parasailing, karate, and bungee jumping. Pisces also recognizes Cancer's need for alone time, and doesn't take offense if Cancer doesn't return calls or texts for a few days. You’ve always made friends with people who are intelligent and insightful, which describes Virgo in a nutshell. Cancer's Friendship Style. They hate being opposed and love to have things done only their way. Cancers have an excellent sense of people's true colors, and there may be a good reason they want you to stay away from someone. Aquarius are energetic and friendly, and work well when dealing with people. Because both the Cancer and the Aquarius friends can bring people together, they’ll be very looked for in situations in which everybody needs to mingle. The two of you are also quite musical and may enjoy playing songs together or sharing playlists. Aquarius Cancer love compatibility will be based on them both not being selfish. The Moon is feminine and shining, while Uranus is masculine and detached. Creative Cancer always has a unique perspective on the world. Aquarians will need complete and total freedom. Listen.