I have found both girls and boys named Avery and have encountered more males with the name, in the past, than females. I knew it was becoming popular for girls before he was born but I didn’t care. I liked the idea of a boys name being used for a girl and it wasn’t common like Ryan, Taylor, or Jordan. (If I am having another boy).I was actually curious of that name too and came upon this site because I mistook a friend’s baby to be a girl! It’s our job to make them fell loved and confident regardless of name.We’ve just named our newborn son Avery Connor. I wanted an older name that wasn’t as common. But being a fan of the Harry Potter books/everything related to it, there is a character named Avery, I’ve always seen it as classy, handsome and elegant on a boy (like how I see the names Henry and William). I suspect we may lose it as a family name (male or female) after this generation, but that’s the way it goes. I want it so that if anyone sees my daughter’s names on paper and haven’t met them yet, they won’t know who to expect. It is good either way. I think that is a wonderful choice :) :) But Avery is as much a girl name as a boy name. If it’s a boy we have a different name picked out because we agreed we don’t want to name a boy Avery. There is a series of books beginning with “Avery’s Battlefield” about a young boy during the Civil War. It sounds super feminine.For @nickole and others mentioning Alfred:Avery began as a surname. I read a statistic somewhere that said of everyone ever named Avery, 98% are male. We have heard so many ignorant statements “Avery? The name was the 16th most common given name for females in the United States in the 2018 census and 191st most common given name for males in the United States in the 2018 census. We are expecting her in about 5 weeks. I love it and I dnt care if she meets boys and girls with her name. Now it seems to pop up everywhere for little girls. Most ‘older’ folks think its strictly a boy name.We wanted an A name as soon as we find out we were having a girl. PARENTS… are the only people that have questioned his name not any kids of any age. Often. Averie looks a little flighty to me and more like a bird aviary. Those with sons named Avery, take heart. I’m doing my research now before her arrival and these arguments over if it’s a boy’s or girl’s name actually make me love it even more! At least do the favor, folks, and stop calling it feminine…I don’t do that to people who have girls named Avery and flat out say it’s a boy’s name. I had heard it as a child on a cartoon show back in the 90s. To any parent who named their daughter Avery: Thanks a lot, you participated in needlessly ruining a perfectly good boy’s name.. people like you ruined great names like Ashley and Tracy and I just don’t know when it’s gonna end.I think Avery is very feminine! I have heard of a few boys named Avery, but it just does not seem a very fitting name for a boys first name.I have a son named Avery Mark (he is 8yrs old).There is one Avery in his school and it is a girl but the security guard at his school is named Avery (a male).I have always thought of Avery as a boys name.We named our son, Avery Jackson, giving him options as well, not because of the name ‘Avery,’ but because every child should have options. So it’s definitely being used a lot for girls. There are so many beautiful names for girls. A very strong, hansdome name. We named our daughter Avery Michelle. It was so not common. Soooo disappointed! :: 4 years ago |.My name is Averie, my mom picked this spelling since she thought the normal spelling of Avery was not girly.