The common name and specific epithet commemorate Japanese cetologist Hideo Omura.. "Middle sized balaenopterid whale specimens in the Philippines and Indonesia".Best, Peter B. During,Entrapment/engulfment maneuvers include horizontal, lateral and ventral arcs. 2003. Please check the licence conditions and … Often the blowholes and dorsal fin are visible at the same time.
"Cruise report of the Japanese whale research program under a special permit for North Pacific minke whales in 1994".Fujise, Y., Iwasaki, T., Zenitani, R., Araki, J., Matsuoka, K., Tamura, T., Aono, S., Yoshida, T., Hidaka, H., Nibe, T., and Tohyama, D. (1996). (2011). "Photo-identification of the minke whale (,Tscherter, U. and Morris, C. (2005).

This may have been done to avoid landing on the injured portion of its ventral pleats.In the North Atlantic, minke whales produce downsweeps and "pulse" or "thump trains". "Cruise report of the Japanese Whale Research Program under a special permit in the North pacific in 1998".Fujise, Y., Zenitani, R., Tamura, T., Bando, T., Ohtani, S., Takeda, S., Kitajima, A., Kimura, T., Masaki, T., and Tohyama, D. (2000).
Nomi comuni: Omura’s whale (inglese), Rorqual d'Omura (francese). The long, linear laceration extended around the ventral pleats, restricting their distention. 1995 Assigned by: Lawson PA, Foster G, Falsen E, Sjoden B, Collins MD.Abiotrophia balaenopterae sp. "Novel surface feeding tactics of minke whales,"Minke whale acoustic behavior and multi-year seasonal and diel vocalization patterns in Massachusetts Bay, USA","Marine mammal acoustic detections in the northeastern Chukchi Sea, September 2007–July 2011","Vessel collisions with small cetaceans worldwide and with large whales in the Southern Hemisphere, an initial assessment","Beached New Jersey whale tests positive for virus that afflicted dolphins".Smithsonian Institution – North American Mammals:Official website of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area,,Taxa named by Bernard Germain de Lacépède,Articles with unsourced statements from December 2009,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,This page was last edited on 2 July 2020, at 04:52.

Blue Whales :: MarineBio Video Library :: Blue whale song 1 ~ Blue whale song 2 Blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus, 1758), like all rorquals (Family Balaenopteridae, the family that includes the blue whale, Bryde’s whale, fin whale, humpback whale, minke whale, and sei whale), are long, slender whales that are much more streamlined than other large whales. One of the first references to the name came in,In 1872, the American whaleman and naturalist,A smaller, Southern Hemisphere form of minke whale with white-banded flippers was first described in separate studies by Peter Best (1985) and Peter Arnold, Helene Marsh, and George Heinsohn (1987), though a white-flippered form in the Southern Hemisphere had been noted earlier. "Cruise report of the second phase of the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the western North Pacific (JARPN II) in 2005 – Coastal component off Sanriku".Kishiro, T., Kato, H., Yoshida, H., Miyashita, T., Ryono, T., Tabata, S., and Kawahara, S. (2006). "A feeding aggregation of Omura's whale,"An Elusive Whale Is Found All Around the World - Researchers are learning about a newly identified species of baleen whales, tracing sightings and sounds to learn that they stay mainly in tropical waters","Japanese Scientists Identify New Species of Whale",Biology and exploitation of the minke whale,"Description of a new record species of whales from Chinese coastal waters","Rare omura whale spotted inside Great Barrier Reef Marine Park for the first time","Solomon Islands Dolphin Project – Progress report on data collection and analyses","Extraordinarily Rare Whale Sighting – Omura's Whale (,"Omura's whale off West Africa: autochthonous population or inter-oceanic vagrant in the Atlantic Ocean? The Cetaceans.,U.S.

"Identifying a majority of minke whales (,Morris, C. and Tscherter, U.