While air raid alarms had gone off in the winter/spring of 1940 as British bombers passed overhead, the first bombing took place on 12 May 1940. 22 aircraft were lost over or near Cologne, 16 shot down by flak, 4 by night fighters, 2 in a collision, and 2 Bristol Blenheim light bombers lost in attacks on night fighter airfields. Landmark Scout looks for and visits these places and shares what it finds on this blog. We have been traveling to many places ever since 2009. Join 1200+ other subscribers and sign up here! To me the structure is more impressive than Notre Dame. Let us know!

Allied bombers over Cologne, 1944. At that time a scaffold was up repairing the damage from the war. Tens of thousands of Jewish people died at Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg before the camp was liberated on April 22, 1945. A total of 34,711 long tons of bombs were dropped on the city by the RAF. Poor weather made Hamburg a poor choice;[5] in addition, Harris was advised by Dr. They attacked the synthetic oil plants at, Mission 681: 1,338 bombers and 811 fighters are dispatched on PFF attacks in the Cologne, Germany area; 465 B-17s are dispatched to hit marshalling yards at Cologne/Eifeltor (216) and Cologne/Gremberg (34); the targets of opportunity were Cologne/Kalk marshalling yard (151), 453 B-17s are dispatched to hit marshalling yards at Cologne/Gereon (295) and Cologne/Kalk (142). No Mosquitoes were lost. By using bombers and men from Operational Training Units (OTUs), 250 from RAF Coastal Command and from Flying Training Command, Harris could easily make up the 1,000 aircraft. The devastation was recorded by Hermann Claasen from 1942 until the end of the war, and presented in his exhibition and book of 1947 Singing in the furnace. 8 Mosquitoes to Cologne and Düsseldorf on nuisance raids. A pilot account: “It took 108 B-17 bombers, crewed by 1,080 airmen, dropping 648 bombs to guarantee a 96 per cent chance of getting just two hits inside a 400 by 500 feet area (35-40 meters square)”. Dachau was the first Nazi concentration camp in Germany and it served as a model for all the other camps that followed it. No Mosquitoes were lost. Work began on the Gothic masterpiece cathedral in 1298, but the cathedral would not be finished for another 600 years until it was completed in 1880. Stützpunkt Von Kleist was a Heeresbatterie of the VB Vlissingen. The pilots were lucky if even a fraction of their bombs landed over their real targets. City museum Cologne. Use of a bike and helmet is included. The Germans had been forced out of France and had exhausted most of their reserves in the Battle of the Bulge. Two Mosquitoes bombed Cologne, one of several nuisance raids. There are exhibitions throughout the site, including in the barracks, prison, kitchen, and commandant's offices.

Seen here is an aerial black and white photo of the famous Cologne Cathedral during World War II. See various parts of the facility—including the 'Arbeit macht frei' gateway and the administration headquarters—and explore the museum with a guide. German Sixth Army, destroyed in the Battle of Stalingrad, was destroyed a second time in August 1944 by a Soviet offensive into Romania—with important help from the US Air Force. One of the worst massacres took place at the town of Chasselay on June 20. 4 Mosquitoes on a diversionary nuisance raid, all returned to base (main raids Vaires, near Paris, and Lyons). Your tour will conclude with transportation back across the border to Salzburg. Rather than glossing over its role in World War II, Germany has preserved stories and artifacts in sites across the country, a tribute to the atrocities and tens of millions who were killed in the war. 5 Mosquitoes on a nuisance raid. The Cologne Cathedral was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996. They trained units at Cosford in the Number 2 school of Technical Training. Nearly a quarter of the city’s 770,000 residents fled following this first devastating raid. This large museum is dedicated to the history of Cologne. 3 Mosquitoes on a diversionary raid (the main raid was on Essen). 8 Mosquitoes to Cologne and Gelsenkirchen on diversionary raids. Europe - WW2 POW camp site between cologne and Fussen - Hi,We would be driving from Cologne-Wurzburg-Fussen. museenkoeln.de. 8 Mosquitoes were sent to Cologne and Duisburg.

Many in the military wanted to respect the buildings due to their cultural significance. In the last RAF raid on Cologne, 858 aircraft bomb in two waves. The Nazi-era and the Second World War … The cathedral suffered fourteen hits by aerial bombs during the war. Gain insight into the Holocaust of World War II on this half-day tour of Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site from Munich. The Adlerhorst and its extensive network of underground bunkers served as the southern Nazi headquarters and a safe retreat for Hitler throughout the war. Today we have a guest post from our friends at offtoeurope.com all about Cologne (Köln) Germany. Contact Us - Learn more.