The House approved a wide-ranging police-reform bill Thursday night, by a vote of 236-181, sending it to the Senate, one day after Democrats stalled a GOP-backed bill there. In the Senate, the bill is assigned to another committee and, if … "I listened to what Speaker Pelosi told your conference — to go big. But both parties appeared motivated to act quickly as unemployment numbers continue to rise and more businesses are forced to close their doors.Tensions flared earlier in the week as the White House and Republican leadership fell short of their goal to have a bill on the president's desk by Monday.The spending package is now the third round of emergency legislation that Congress has approved to combat the outbreak. FISA Bill — While the House passed FISA Bill remains stalled in the Senate, the Senate did pass a temporary “clean” FISA Re-Authorization on Monday evening by …
"We couldn’t be more thrilled.”,Pelosi put pressure on her members Thursday night after some progressives and moderates expressed concern, telling lawmakers: "If you vote against this and all this funding for your state, then you have to go home and defend it. "And yet we're going to go on recess for almost a month. Check out what's clicking on 233 Democrats voted in favor of the House bill, along with three Republicans: Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan, Will Hurd of Texas and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.The bill, titled the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, came amid nationwide protests against police brutality and racial injustice in the U.S.Sens. The measure would provide billions of dollars in credit for struggling industries, a significant boost to unemployment insurance and direct cash payments to Americans.As indication of the depth of the nation's economic woes, new data released on Thursday only hours after the Senate vote showed that more than.The massive spike in new jobless claims comes as nationwide lockdowns to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic have kept Americans from their workplaces, grinding businesses to a halt and forcing many companies to shutter or to lay off staff. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. ".The agreement also would prohibit businesses controlled by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, members of Congress and heads of executive departments from receiving loans or investments from Treasury programs.Legislation rarely moves this rapidly in Washington, especially a bill of this size. Congratulations AMERICA! The new relief bill, if it clears both chambers, would become the largest aid package in U.S. history, surpassing the $2.2 trillion measure Congress passed in March. It passed mostly along party lines.After the vote Friday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she was thrilled with the outcome.“I'm so proud of my members just did something so monumental to the American people. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC.

The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. They attempted to amend the bill on the floor, but they failed to get enough support for a change.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a speech Thursday shortly after midnight that he was proud that the bill passed with bipartisanship, noting that it came weeks after Trump's. I don't agree with it. So we'll see where it goes but you know this isn't a final passage vote. Instead of going big, it seems you went crazy. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. The bill passed by a vote of 208-199 and now heads to the Senate. All rights reserved. "Because if there's one thing about this crisis that we've already seen is that new challenges pop up every day, every minute, every hour," he said.
Because America and the American people demanded it," he said.Sen.