With open sand bioreactors dosed with septic tank,After a decade of breathing the poisonous,In future it will be necessary to pump this,It emerged last night that chemically treated human,As the holding is in an urban environment, particular care is taken with,An ileostomy with two openings includes an open stoma for,Typical point sources of water pollution are manufacturing,We are well aware that to discharge untreated,He said that the company, which admitted one count of discharging,While the U.S. Coast Guard inspects ships' treatment systems quarterly, it does not collect and test,Late this season several thousand juvenile salmon died on an upper stretch of the Moy as a result of a discharge of,It's probably feasible to treat and store water from,Forage produced from fields of bermudagrass serving as receivers of swine lagoon,Two types of insurance policies could reduce,They were instrumental in the rejuvenation of the river Torridge which was, at the time, heavily polluted by farm,Eric Hanbidge says that tanks and drains should be inspected hourly after ensiling until,The sudden influx of people overloaded these plans and the,It is therefore important to ensure that surface waters systems are not used for processing,The efficiency of deionisers are constantly monitored by measuring resistivity of,The development of sewage systems by Victorian engineers meant human,If the source of contamination is animal waste or,By 1963, the year of my parent's marriage, the average release of beta emitters from reactor,This introduces a lot of fine air bubbles into the,River pollution generally originates from industrial,With final ultraviolet light treatment, the,He also experienced the trials of growing cool-season grasses using,The aim is to increase the awareness of the existing legislative and regulatory framework in relation to water abstraction, production limitations and,The EPA said activated sludge should not be present in the final,Yet overall the media absolutely adores cruise-ship stories, especially if they can be connected to,The increased phosphorus is arising from run-off from agricultural land and farmyards as well as from municipal and industrial,Will the Councillors ignore these people by treating their concerns as only emotional and with contempt go ahead with the Emigrant Creek,With the bigger mole plough we lay 100m pipe for.In addition, 132 million wet tonnes of agricultural wastes,Since sodium phosphate is an osmotic cathartic agent, there is the risk of intravascular volume reduction due to the production of a large,The method involves the steps of continuously flowing an influent into a treatment basin and continuously flowing an,The video has shots of chicken waste being dumped into the stream and,The massive laundry operations that began nearly a century ago near the Marmalong Bridge, industrial,Hydrogen Peroxide is used for its oxidizing properties in many applications, including paper and textile bleaching, detergence, and,There were also 61 oil spills and 54 leaks of minerals and trade,What do we know about this government discharge of,A group of girls presented a project on water pollution and expressed concern over the,During extraction of salt from seawater by evaporation, potassium salts get concentrated in bittern, an,Treated sewage water must be evaluated to ensure that the levels of bacteria returning into the,Additionally, the EA requires the works to meet a more stringent nitrified,Micromac's DAF unit injects flocculants into the,Micromac's DAF unit injects a coagulant and flocculant into the,It is the basis by which to gauge concentrations of,The researchers found the flavonoid at 30 micrograms per kilogram in wood pulp and 10 to 13 micrograms per liter in mill,They reported both demasculinised male, and some defeminised female, wild fathead minnows in proximity to cattle feedlot,Waste water was removed by complex sewage systems and released into nearby bodies of water, keeping the towns clean and free from,A novel terminology, potential water retention capacity, which seeks to relate between pre-silage materials and,For the Trent this proportion is lower, but with nearly half of low flows being made up of these,Peat is used in water filtration, such as for the treatment of septic tank,The estuary also receives the treated sewage,Photodegradation of lincomycin and diazepam in sewage treatment plant,Chemical methods such as ozonization, chemical oxidation, wet-air oxidation etc have been used for the treatment of,This study was designed to quantify xenoestrogen presence in a US wastewater,It is a criminal offence to discharge trade,During the 1950s, however, the same problem of,With the beach in a saturated state, backwash velocity is accelerated by the addition of groundwater seepage out of the beach within the,Murugan said the farmlands are getting affected as,Uses and applications for COD testing include industrial and municipal wastewater influent and,After the ECUVal treatment, an uncoloured,A fish farm in Fort Pierce is studying the use of giant clams to clean up the,Namely, it is an attempt to exhibit apparent nature as an,We had thus examined each of its three mouths, and settled all doubts as to the Rusizi being an,In most patterns of service governor weights may be added when it is desired to increase the pressure of the,The lateral drains are placed at regular distances from each other, and run towards the main or,It is not only unaesthetic but also increases the amount of AOX in the,Studies conducted there during the past 10 years confirmed the presence of PPCPs in treated and untreated sewage.

In an older meaning, an effluent was a stream flowing out of a river or lake. In generally, the effluent from bio - chemical treatment will has some chroma. 147+1 sentence examples: 1. Since the poor village could not afford a water treatment system, their effluent became contaminated from human and animal excrement.