She’s going down, because if she gets the cure she will be implicated. Can’t believe some one will not put the pervert in her proper place. Last April, a tweet that was supposed to shower Ellen DeGeneres with support backfired. People are losing their jobs. Gone are the audience chairs in Ellen DeGeneres’ studio. Another white woman, a BLM activist, admits to lying about her race, Donna Brazile’s cryptic “President Pelosi” tweet and rumors of plot to assassinate Trump, This is the real Love Trumps Hate, banned by YouTube, In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile, Joe Biden tells 13-year-old girl he’s ‘horny’. Ellen isn’t so bad. Moving schools and changing… Read more ». TWITTER THREAD DUBS ELLEN ‘MEANEST PERSON ALIVE’. Saying, “if you’re watching because you don’t love me . “Petition to stick her in an actual jail after quarantine is lifted. I had worked till closing the night before & this was next morn, almost got me fired. It is the society around her that has made her that way. Television host Ellen DeGeneres has been known for her kindness and generosity but it appears not everyone is a fan. We gave her two hit shows on television and she makes around $70 million a year. News flash: Was an NYPD cop working as a spy for China? However, a bad day (or two, or, in Ellen DeGeneres’ case, a lot of bad days) doesn’t excuse bullying. Get on the front lines if being sequestered in your mansion is just too difficult. I sensed something fake about her…, I’ve been called a LOT of things,but I’ve NEVER before been called a “normie”. Ellen DeGeneres announced a new employee benefits package with more lenient time off policies. Johnson told DeGeneres she made sure to invite her to her party this year because she gave her “a bunch of sh*t” last year when she didn’t receive an invite to her party. Ellen DeGeneres is not “mean”: Everything she just promised viewers As Ellen DeGeneres acknowledged on her return to TV this morning, she hasn’t had a great summer. Or as my ancient ancestors in Italy would say, “She likea da cocka”, I never cared for Ellen, and it’s not because of her lifestyle choices, either. The heiress’s relationship with the N-word. She wrote a letter to the owner & complained about my chipped nail polish (not that it was on her plate but just that it was on my hand). This is from her: ‘I saw Ellen in the hallways every day and would say hello and she never once said hello back. I had worked till closing the night before & this was next morn, almost got me fired.”, @JoshBLevesque: “A friend of mine told me about a custodian she knew who was fired bc he was slightly autistic and forgot he wasn’t allowed to look at or speak to her, and he loved greeting everyone.”, @nude_eel: “My sister worked for the Ellen Show for two years. And it’s no wonder. I always asked employees who was the meanest, who was the nicest. Why do they get a private toilet, I thought.”. Porter wrote: Right now we all need a little kindness. “I was not allowed to use the nearest toilet, because it was reserved for the Jonas Brothers. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Killary’s Secret Service detail report the exact same stuff about her? is that a compliment or an insult? A friend of Ellen’s called for positive stories about the TV talk show host. Fascinating,” the star deadpanned. Father, I pray LORD, when do You take down Ellen and all the other Portia drivers. That he is her Beard? DeGeneres upset many fans by comparing her time self-quarantining at home to jail during her show last month. Indeed, Ellen DeGeneres has a history of. “Since talking to people has been illegal for six months,” Ellen DeGeneres quipped, she had to wait to address concerns to her audience. Caterer grilling steaks outside for special fancy lunch. At the Oscars, Mr Majercak said he spent “a lot of time” with De Rossi, who was “very pleasant and carried on a conversation”. Hope this shemale rots in hell, very soon! Geez…she sounds like one of my MS principals….the one I LEFT and went to another school to get away from….ESP, that part where one of the replies said, “She chose a different person to punish or rag or on hate—etc…everyday. Ohhh so sad for her ! However, some reports claim that not only did Ellen DeGeneres know about the abuse going on, but she also participated in it, she maintains that the allegations happened outside her purview. And Harry Reid-and Schiff-and Pelosi-and Schumer-and Nadler-okay,I guess this washes out my comment-maybe I WOULD wish that on her,but she’d have to wait her turn. Have never understood her popularity, she always made my skin crawl, i discerned her to be fully demon possessed- she is currently sending coded twitter videos to all of her adrenochrome addicted buddies including Tom Hanks, Madonna, etc. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. . Instead, he got allegations about Ellen DeGeneres’ show being a toxic workplace, full of abuse & harassment. Tom Majercak told Fox News that, during his 10-year stint as a senior manager of operations for Security Imagery Specialists (SIS), he was selected to serve as DeGeneres’ executive protector at the 86th Academy Awards. Right now we all need a little kindness. Massive Spam attacks on 12-3-2018. As Ellen DeGeneres acknowledged on her return to TV this morning, she hasn’t had a great summer. One time staff stayed 4 hours past closing for her and rob Lowe to chat in the dining room”, @vllyeazey: “i was PAing for the Letterman special and her rider was 50 items long and one was specific vegan cauliflower puffs that are rarely sold so i had to drive to 15 different grocery stores to find it and she didn’t even touch them”, @ajgalexandra: “It’s common knowledge that Ellen is a horrid person to everybody but the celebrity elite.”, @mtrocc: “’92 Ellen was a comic. Not only was she rude and didn’t offer them water or a bathroom to use, she ended up skimping on the full payment for the job and said it wasn’t to her specifications when it was”, @Alethea_Agguiq: “She shamed my entire culture for our staple food source (seal meat). How rude. Even the people in hell don’t deserve to suffer with her! He told us she has signs up in her office that say ‘Do not look the host in the eye’.”, @BenjaminJS: “She has a ‘sensitive nose’ so everyone must chew gum from a bowl outside her office before talking to her and if she thinks you smell that day you have to go home and shower.”, @BenjaminJS: “A new staff member was told ‘every day she picks someone different to really hate.