Creating that festival feeling usually requires a buyout of these venues — adding further complexity to sourcing and timelines.Performances also complicate onsite logistics — including everything from loading and docking to mapping out the event. But perhaps the most exciting opportunity in developing an event app is fostering greater content engagement.Branded apps can also incorporate polling and other features that personalize the experience and get to the bottom of attendee preferences. Because today.So whether it’s drinking straws or an onsite produce garden.Last year, 80% of event planners reported that their jobs require more experience creation than just 2-5 years ago. It makes sense: Apps have infiltrated our lives on a societal scale, with nearly every e-commerce website and SaaS product developing their own. These are the questions suppliers should be asking themselves in the face of a new plant-forward F&B paradigm.The need for vegetarian and vegan options promises to drive up F&B totals for booked events, as long as your venue can adapt. And they are right! Luck favors the prepared, especially the prepared event planner that knows what’s happening in their industry. That is why it is vital to begin implementing trends now, being an early adopter, and priming your eye to curate the trends that will appeal to your target demographics.Being trendy for the sake of it does not usually work out favorably. Solution? At the same time, face-to-face time takes a hit — making it a more treasured commodity in our modern world.Large, minimalist spaces with easily accessible bars are the perfect recipe for a networking event. But in our roundup of,Last year, the Global Meetings Forecast predicted a 4% increase in the use of non-traditional venues. This will not only take the pressure off of individual planners, but also result in better communication, idea sharing, and implementation.The future of event execution technology will allow you to collect all the data you need while staying completely unobtrusive to your event experience. The events industry supports jobs, brings money to local economies, and boosts dozens of industries. But events are just now beginning to question their legacy is on a widespread scale.The last IMEX America event focused on this as one of the thematic pillars for the event. In fact, in a recent.But why is that? First, we are happy to report this issue is coming to the forefront, governments and companies all around the world have begun to implement several measures to ensure that data privacy finally becomes a reality. More importantly, it’s best to choose a locale that matches your.When choosing a destination, reach out to CVBs in midsize cities to see what their cities can offer.

Event Planning Industry Statistics. With less time on your hands, you need an efficient way to find the perfect space.Don’t waste time by going it alone. Compared to 7% job growth across the economy, this indicates that the event planning industry is growing.

It all starts with the purpose of the event and how it can be woven into something greater than itself.Red Rocks amphitheater,  Madison Square Garden, the Beverley Wilshire. Helping them explore the city outside of event hours is also a huge value-add.

Is your hotel sourcing local produce for vegetarian fare? They’re making “micro transportation” cheaper, more sustainable, and more of an experience.As experiences become more important, attendees are willing to sacrifice some when it comes to transportation.

(EventMB Report, 2019) Personalization for attendees leads to a more successful event. While it is impossible to definitively forecast in this shifting industry of meetings and events, making attendees’ experiences more thoughtful will never go out of style. Most venues have floorplans, videos, and most basic information such as capacities and catering options right on their site.

For those who don’t put enough emphasis on the vegetarian trend, it could be the differentiator that causes a planner to go elsewhere.Many hotels, especially those in major cities, are moving toward from-scratch, vegan-friendly menus. Or even worse, you won’t find a viable space for your event.When it comes to budget growth, signals are mixed. Read regional forecasts from our experts to understand local trends in North America, Latin America, EMEA and Asia Pacific. You can use data to make important decisions for your event in several ways that weren’t possible before. 50% of event revenue comes from registration, while food and beverage eats up 33% of expenses. First, we saw Europe roll out GDPR regarding privacy and personal data. Usually.These “second-tier cities” have an unfair moniker.In fact, some of these cities are investing in new infrastructure and marketing assets. ).This move by Marriott is a great example of corporate responsibility. CEO Carina Bauer summarized the theme by saying:“There is a growing consciousness of the long-term impact we all make on the world that is running throughout our industry, society and among individuals.

Be enlightened, inspired and informed with your complimentary copy of BCD M&E's 2020 Global Trends Report.

It is your responsibility as an event prof to keep your attendees safe.47% of planners thought crisis communications should be the biggest focus when it comes to security in 2020. While small nods to sustainability (like recycling bins at your event) help, we really need a holistic approach to reduce our events’ carbon footprint.From the miles of travel to the kilowatts of power and pounds of wasted food, each stage of the event lifecycle has its own impact and needs to be assessed by planners and venues, alike.Sustainable event planning is slowly becoming a must for all kinds of events. It’s because we spend more and more time in front of a screen each year.

Couple all of this with the luxury of being able to find Airbnbs right next to new venues, and it’s an equation for more flexibility and creativity.With events moving farther away from transportation hubs and into the areas that give cities their unique cultures, planners will need to find new ways to keep attendees mobile.