identifying these elements during the exhibition planning process, basic principles of evaluation are seamlessly embedded throughout museum operations. Planning ahead is critical to your exhibiting success. When it comes to exhibiting at any trade show, exhibition or corporate event, smart companies will start to plan an exhibition timeline long before the event.By planning ahead, you can ensure a successful outcome, and of course, optimise your trade show budget and objectives.Here’s part one of our two-part blog series – providing you with a simple trade show timeline that’ll have you planning to success, with plenty of time to spare!Once you are sure you have completed everything on the checklist, there is nothing left to do but sit back and take a deep breath! This template gives you a pre-defined structure of your event.You can use ready-made typical tasks or create new ones, as many as you need, defining start and end dates for them and making your project visually appealing in minutes. Logistical details can often seem overwhelming,when taking on such a marketing venture so a well laid out plan will be invaluable to you and your,It’s quite simple – planning for your exhibition makes life so much easier! However, you are absolutely free to customize them as you need. I have friends in this field, and together we have raised quite a lot of money for various charities, and it has brought more people in to see my work.

Here’s part one of our two-part blog series – providing […] Even though she was an established artist, there was still a lot to be done.After you have planned an exhibition of your work, you will see that the commission galleries request is well worth the effort they put in!First of all, you must secure your ‘gallery space’. Depending on your show objectives, consider what you will need on your stand, for example an enquiry desk, product demonstration stations, tv screens.Identify a space that best suits your exhibiting needs and budget – This will determine the success of your exhibition and have a huge impact on your ROI.Mark your calendar with deadlines for stand space deposit and balance payments.Begin creating a trade show marketing plan – including pre-show, at-show and post-show marketing activities.Specify and develop your marketing activities – including advertising, direct mail, email campaign, promotional items and giveaways.Select and exhibition designer/builder and begin design work – including layout, graphics, interactive technology and on-stand engagement.Begin to design and print marketing material for show distribution.Develop an engaging sales message for your exhibition staff to communicate at the show.Determine staffing requirements – including an exhibition schedule, and staff training sessions.Provide basic show information to any transportation companies.Carefully read your exhibitor manual and understand all requirements – including payment deadlines, site service arrangements, discount offers and rules and regulations etc.Explore travel and accommodation opportunities.Begin to plan any on-stand live demonstrations or presentations.Evaluate and schedule your pre-trade show promotion strategy – including direct mail, email and other media form campaign types.Place final orders for giveaways and promotional brochures and leaflets.Continue with pre-show marketing activities.Develop an exhibition staff briefing kit – including staff training seminar sessions, plan your first pre-show meeting and distribute the exhibition plan to staff.Finalise shipping arrangements if required.Schedule meetings for the show with distributors, clients and other businesses.Complete a lead fulfilment plan – including follow-up emails or packages that are to be sent out immediately after the show, develop customer lead forms and plan lead processing procedures for the show.Complete a final session of staff training, and rehearse sales messages.Preview your exhibition stand if possible.Confirm shipping arrival dates for your exhibition and related goods.Test product demonstrations and all audio and visual equipment thoroughly.Assemble a trade show survival kit that includes:Office supplies: business cards, pens, staplers, binder clips and notepads,Tools: Screw drivers, measuring tape, any tools specific to your stand, including AV cables and connectors (if required or if you have a self-build stand).Contact information, emergency phone numbers and travel logistics for exhibition staff.Cleaning supplies: paper towels, cleaning spray. They charge no commission, but you have to do the work yourself…from the hanging to the promotion and subsequent sales. I sold three pieces on my first preview evening for 500 pounds, 375 pounds, and 75 pounds. You should also plan who is going to be responsible for getting in touch with people and when the process will begin.Reno is a founder and director of a leading exhibition and event company Enigma Visual Solutions, specialising in retail designs, event branding.Communication and journalism with master's degree on Event Management. My first art exhibition was,This is very important.