Keep holomessage from Elijah after Veronica unlocks it. Sleeping outside gives Well Rested benefit. In combat, you do 75% more critical damage against animals and mutated animals. Were it functional, you would be granted +5 DT against energy weapons while wearing metal armor, with a further +2 DT while wearing reflective eyewear or helmets.
On 2nd rank they come to your aid against enemies except against other animals. Consuming nightstalker squeezin's now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and Stealth (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits. Head can no longer be crippled, +25% resistance to chem addiction, +1 DT (5%) if your DT < 10, Cannot be poisoned, healing items are boosted +25%, robots have -50% crit chance, Head cannot be crippled, +10% resistance to chem addiction, +1 DT (10%) if your DT < 10, 50% poison resistance, Healing items boosted by 50%, Robots have -50% crit chance, Surgery purchased through dialogue with the, Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%. For example, Set Lasers for Fun increases the odds of scoring Critical Hits with energy-based energy weapons; to earn the perk, a player must do 16,000 damage with one handed energy weapons over the course of their game. Ghost people are more likely to die outright without needing to be dismembered or disintegrated. Ghost people are more likely to die outright without needing to be dismembered or disintegrated. Doesn't count against the Endurance limit of original implant perks. Through quests centered around the companion, they can gain perks that further promote efficiency and usefulness when they are in your party. Most of the perks obtained this way are related to the skill or task that was completed to earn it.

+10% damage to the same sex and unique dialogue options with certain characters. Head can no longer be crippled, +10% resistance to chem addiction, +10% DT (min +1).

When having a companion, a certain perk is granted for having that companion in your party. Companions told to wait are still counted as active companions. For example, the effects of surgical implants are counted as special perks, which are unlocked once the implant is purchased.

Challenge tasks can be accessed from the Pip-Boy menu; on the 'Misc' page, accessible from the 'Data' section. Challenge perks are unlocked by fulfilling certain requirements.

Unlocks special Nuka-Cola recipes at the workbench. You can put a single point into any of your. When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a super mutant or feral ghoul corpse to regain hit points, but lose Karma.

+10% damage to the opposite sex and unique dialogue options with certain characters. For one rank, deal 25,000 damage with rifle-grip energy weapons. Makes weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster. all genres and focuses on recent releases. +5 health and +2 restored action points through the consumption of food. Many of the perks not originally intended to be used in Fallout: New Vegas remain from the Fallout 3 game files. Regenerate 2 HP per second per 200 rads accumulated. When you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a human corpse to regain hit points, but lose Karma. Sleep removes all Rads (Hardcore: only -100 Rads).
Boosts Veronica's melee attack speed by 150% & gives her a 25% chance for melee attacks to knock down enemies. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel. Additionally, some challenge perks have multiple ranks or more than one version, such as Caza-Death Dealer, which 'level up' as the player continues adding to its requisite challenge task. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using fast travel. with every attack on a given body part queued. x4 normal damage through enemy blocks with melee and unarmed attacks. Ghost people do not get back up after shooting them without taking off a limb. Deal +3%/+6%/+10% damage to abominations.