
Plants flourish in this earth. It is a universal law of physiology, that all living things flourish best in the light. They showed us about the house with much,22. (noun) An example of a flourish is sweeping your arms as you dance across a stage. 1. 32. ), Strabo describes it as a,But its linen manufactures, begun early in the 18th century, gradually restored prosperity; and when other industries had taken root its fortunes advanced by leaps and bounds, and there is now no more,4 " Their zeal and success," to quote the words of Kurtz, " are witnessed to by the fact that at the beginning of the 8th century, throughout all the district of the Rhine, as well as Hesse, Thuringia, Bavaria and Alemannia, we find a network of,Groningen communicates with the Lauwers Zee by the Reitdiep (1873-1876), while the canal to Winschoten and the Stadskanaal, or State canal (1877-1880), bring it into connexion with the,He says on Free the one hand, " not only as a man, but as a British subject I pray for the,broad, having the same name and containing more than 300,As early as the 14th century the quarrying and export of marble gave employment to the men of Corfe, and during the 18th century the knitting of stockings was a,The same fashion continued under the empire, and there can be no doubt that, during the first century of the Christian era, Pompeii had become a,His father, vicar of Charlton and Westport, an illiterate and choleric man, quarrelled, it is said, with a brother clergyman at the church door, and was forced to decamp, leaving his three children to the care of an elder brother Francis, a,We read of his building an ivory palace and founding new cities, the effect perhaps of a share in the,Under Moorish rule, and up to the expulsion of the Moriscoes in 1609, it was the headquarters of a,From the 13th century to the 16th Prizren had a,At the age of eighteen he went to Athens, where the Platonic school was,From the peculiar use which is made of the produce of an irrigated meadow, and from the conditions to which it is subjected, it is necessary to include in our mixture of seeds some that produce an early crop, some that give an abundant growth, and some that impart sweetness and good flavour, while all the kinds sown must be capable of,A writer who was guilty of such improprieties had little right to blame the poet who made Hector quote Aristotle, and represented Julio Romano as,In his hands, and in those of his prudent successors, it became one of the most,On the left bank of the Aude, between it and the Canal du Midi, lies the new town, clean, well-built and,Its capital is Mukden, or, as it is otherwise known, Sheng-king, "the,place in 1895, and Lord Salisburys cabinet, which had consistently assailed the Egyptian policy of the old, was not unwilling to consider whether the,This act had a significance beyond the fact that it established in the United States of America a,None was more the favourite of the emperors, nor the seat of a more active and,Of high antiquity, and, like many other Irish towns, claiming (with considerable probability) to have been founded by St Patrick in the 5th century, it long possessed the more important distinction of being the metropolis of Ireland; and, as the seat of a,Although it was burnt down in 1188, Magdeburg became a,In the autumn of 1497 an attempted raid by James ended in a seven years' truce fostered by the Spanish envoy, Ayala, who has left a,The fact is that as English companies for foreign trade had long been in chartered existence, Scotsmen and Scottish capital had no profitable outlets, while agriculture was conducted on slovenly medieval or prehistoric methods; and only the linen trade of the country was really,The broad macadamized streets and regular squares bordered with trees give the town an attractive appearance; and it has the advantage, a rare one in Egypt, of being surrounded on three sides by,2 In the East, too, Antichrist prophecies were extraordinarily,Blackburn was for some time the chief town of a district called Blackburnshire, and as early as the reign of Elizabeth ranked as a,From 1631 to 1685 it was the seat of the Lithuanian diet and became a,Minden (Mindun, Mindo), apparently a trading place of some importance in the time of Charlemagne, was made the seat of a bishop by that monarch, and subsequently became a,This half-canton is divided into three administrative districts, comprising twenty communes, and is mainly industrial, the manufacture of cotton goods, muslins, and embroidery being very,During the early Peloponnesian War Argos remained neutral; after the break-up of the Spartan confederacy consequent upon the peace of Nicias the alliance of this state, with its unimpaired resources and,Cotton goods and felt hats are the staple products of the,16, 20), in which Pompeii also was destroyed, with other,The city is situated at the confluence of the three large rivers Myu, Koladaing and Lemyu, and is the most,It is an abundant tree in the northern parts of Britain, even as far as Sutherland, and is occasionally found in the coppices of the southern counties, but in these latter habitats seldom reaches any large size; throughout northern Europe it abounds in the forests, - in Lapland,Starting, then, from this fundamental distinction between judgments of existence and judgments of non-existence, we may hope to steer our way between two extreme views which emanate from two important thinkers, each of whom has produced a,Hence its coasts were from an early period occupied by Greek colonies, among which the,Enkhuizen, like its neighbour Hoorn, exhibits many interesting examples of domestic architecture dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, when It was an important and,Restored by the Carthaginians (379), occupied by the Bruttii (356), held for a time by Agathocles of Syracuse (294), and afterwards again occupied by the Bruttii, Hipponium ultimately became as Vibo Valentia a,At the peace in 1815, however, only four were spared, namely, Frankfort, Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck, these being practically the only ones still in a sufficiently,Their influence in the foreign relations of the country was likewise great, it being in their interest to keep up friendly relations with England, on whose wool the,However this may be, it is certain that the.Entire Christian communities were massacred,These indications render it probable that the stories connecting Homer with different cities and islands grew up after his poems had become known and famous, especially in the new and,Bacon's private fortunes, during the period after the death of Essex, were not in a,It was during these disastrous Mercian wars that there first appeared on the Welsh coasts the Norse and Danish pirates, who harried and burnt the small towns and,In 1864 it was chartered as a town and was made the county-seat, succeeding Georgetown (then a,ACCLIMATIZATION, the process of adaptation by which animals and plants are gradually rendered capable of surviving and,From the foregoing facts and observations we may conclude, firstly, that some plants and many animals are not constitutionally adapted to the climate of their native country only, but are capable of enduring and,The British, who under James Stanhope, afterwards Earl Stanhope, seized the island in 1708, made Mahon a,Despite the want of rivers and of rain, .agriculture is in a,For a considerable period one of the most,The preparation of indigo and the dyeing of cloths are other,At the same time they were the centres of commerce and industrial life: and this, in conjunction with the royal favor, and the privileges accorded them, continually drew new settiers (especially Jews), and many of them developed into great and,Both here and in Babylonia he re-established the imperial authority, and in 205 undertook a voyage from the mouth of the Tigris, through the Arabian gulf to the,He occupied the K ~rm&in city of Kerman, then a,This favorite story was treated again by FasihI JurjanI (5th century of the Hegira), and by many modern poets as Damiri, who died under the ~afawI shah Mahommed (1577 1586; 985994 A.H.), Nmi, the historiographer of the Zand dynasty, and Uosain of Shiraz under Fatl~ All Shah, the last two,The new society increased in the two following decades; and very soon numerous sister-churches were,The first of these deals with the early history up to the death of Charlemagne, the second with the,Large quantities of dairy produce, wool and live stock are exported; and there are a number of,Thus the upper parts of the Zhob valley are comparatively open and fertile, with,Possibly the ordinary processes of denudation and erosion, acting on those recent deposits which overlie the harder beds of the older series, may have much to say to these climatic changes, and the wanton destruction of forests may have assisted the efforts of nature; but it is difficult to understand the widespread desiccation of large areas of the Baluch highlands, where evidences of Arab irrigation works and of cultivation still attest to a once,Yet under this poetical Heraclitean mystic the school was far from,Rhodes c. 185 B.C., a citizen of the most,The surrounding district is famous for its,Over one hundred fishing-smacks and trawlers usually land their catches at the south dock, where there is a,As a religious centre it is replaced by Tenos and as a commercial centre by the,We may, however, observe that our book points to the period already past - of stress and persecution that preceded the recovery of national independence under the Maccabees, and presupposes as its historical background the most,Osgoode Hall, a stately structure in the heart of the city, houses the higher courts of law and appeal, and also a,Toronto is one of the chief manufacturing centres of the dominion; agricultural machinery, automobiles, bicycles, cotton goods, engines, furniture, foundry products, flour, smoked meats, tobacco, jewelry, &c., are,One of these became extinct in 1616, but the remaining ones are those of Reuss-Greiz and Reuss-Schleiz-Gera, which are,Long after textile and other industries had been,Although the cost of transport is very heavy, the exportation of grapes is a,During the civil wars of Marius and Sulla a body of partisans of the latter, having entered it by treachery (82 B.C.