Instead of audentis, John Wick’s back tattoo says fortis, which means strong, courageous, or brave.


Fortuna is the Roman goddess that serves as the personification of luck.

But notice how that tattoo was the focus for 10 seconds while John Wick was taking a shower in the first movie.

His backstory also goes untouched from that point on, as the sequels tend to focus on a present situation that continues to worsen.

We can trace this back to Virgil’s Aeneid, used by the King of the Rutuli, Turnus.

Even with all these theories, there's still a lot we don't know about John Wick and his order. Feb 10, 2020 - Explore Danzo's board "Fortes fortuna adiuvat" on Pinterest. It was frustrating for Santino to have escaped his clutches, but had John chosen to be strong and learn from what happened to Ms. Perkins in the last film, he wouldn’t have been in the situation he’s in come the third movie. And notice the third film’s name, “parabellum.” It’s Latin, from the Latin phrase “Si vis pacem, para bellum,” or “If you want peace, prepare for war.” It’s saying that, in Chapter 3, John needs to prepare for war.

The ad- is actually a prefix, with means to towards a certain direction.

The Strong Ones

It seems members of John Wick's order use the motto for encouragement, or as a code by which to live, which makes it all the more fitting an adornment for a killer the caliber of Keanu Reeves' character.

Some may argue that it’s not that different from audens, as one who is bold must also be strong.

This time, however, he doesn’t have the safety of the Continental, which had already saved him at least once in the last two movies.

So, let’s explore what John Wick’s tattoo really means.

This is all just speculation about what the third movie holds (feel free to share your thoughts or theories in the comments!

The first implication now is that John is now a wiser assassin. Veja exemplos de tradução de fortis Fortuna adiuvat em frases, ouça a pronúncia e aprenda gramática. Each installment of the series reveals a little more about the feared hitman, but there is still a lot to him that fans don't know.

"articleSection" : "As we await the release of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum, to be released in May 2019,the previous film of the neo-noir saga left us with a lot unanswered questions. The fortis fortuna adiuvat tattoo is never explained in the movie apart from this short scene in the shower, which leaves a hint of mystery, adding some intrigue without the need to explain every detail.

The holy man simply replies "fortis Fortuna adiuvat" before extending his ring to be kissed.

John Wick is no exception, bearing prayer hands with a cross on his back, as well as another cross on his left shoulder. Rather, it says “fortis Fortuna adiuvat,” which is, although similar, slightly different from the original “Fortune favors the bold.”.

Because she controls fate, she was also said to have a hand on who is successful and lives, and who isn’t.

Some believe that this tattoo represents the Christian prayer (asking God for forgiveness), others think that praying hands are supplicating the pagan god of luck.

And not only does this tattoo reflect so much on the first two films; its true meaning may also have an effect on the upcoming film. When poets invoke her name or when Romans call for her favor, they’re praying for good luck and hoping to avoid the bad luck she brings when they incur her wrath.

But in terms of grammar, audentis is the neutral singular form while fortis is a neutral plural noun. John Wick’s tattoo has the Latin phrase “fortis Fortuna adiuvat” written above praying hands and a cross. Will fortune favor Winston, who spared John Wick’s life for a moment by giving him a marker and giving him an hour’s head start? The word “bold” can be positive, but it is also linked to someone who is rash, brazen, or offensive.

When fandoms, movies, and popular characters are inspiring more people to get a tattoo, the cryptic tattoo of one of the most feared assassins is something both men and women might want to get.

The origin of this Latin phrase is military, used as the motto of several military units over the world. Verifique traduções de "fortis Fortuna adiuvat" para Português.

His dog’s death shook him (and everyone else watching the movie), but his for revenge showed that he was calculating and had only one goal. So, what if this means the tattoo wasn’t limited to just John Wick himself, but to every assassin in the John Wick universe?