For the sake of the world's surviving river dolphin species, it is essential that we do not forget the extinct baiji, and the man-made reasons for its extinction.

",A pair of Boto, or Amazon river dolphins in Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil,Mexico investigates claims six women were sterilised without their consent at US migrant detention centre.Brexit deal standoff: What could happen before the end of the month?Free cash withdrawals from corner shops to protect those who need notes and coins,Contact tracing app's effectiveness questioned ahead of launch,Will we be in lockdown for Christmas?

Another is that the men involved often threaten the lives of anyone who tries to stop them.The plight of the river dolphin is even more serious given their already-dwindling numbers. In other words, it is stressed upon within the document that there is a great possibility that many other species are at risk of extinction. Like the kiwi, the Māui dolphin is an important part of … These populations are adversely affected by many various human activities which include chemical and noise pollution, habitat degradation, climate change, ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear and incidental take in fishing operations. On the edge of extinction. They have distinct black facial markings, short stocky bodies and a dorsal fin shaped like a Mickey Mouse ear.

The Ganges River of India is inhabited by a subspecies related to the Indus river dolphin.
The North Atlantic right whale has recently been listed as critically endangered by IUCN-International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

".Antonio Miguel Migueis, a dolphin researcher with the Federal University of Western Para, said that the government has been warned several times of the threat.But with a catalogue of environmental concerns competing with huge socio-economic challenges, the issue of dolphin protection has slipped down the agenda.

Most of the mass extinctions, such as KT-extinction or Permian-Triassic extinction were caused due to such events. What Boris Johnson’s update means for employers and staff. Cetacea is an infraorder comprising of 89 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.It has already been predicted that the Northern Atlantic right whale and the critically endangered vaquita in Mexico will soon vanish. Regional fishing bodies also have the potential to address fishing-related threats.These species are essential for the health of our seas, oceans and, in some cases, major river systems. This unique animal is now being threatened with extinction, with less than 1,000 dolphins left.

Muhammad Imran Malik, from the dolphin protection project of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), states that “Narrow fishing nets trap the dolphin under the water and [the dolphins] need to come out to breathe after every one to two minutes.” This has been a common dilemma for dolphins all over the world -- fishermen inadvertently trap dolphins in a net underwater, but when they are held under the water for too long they suffocate and die. Their eyes are small and weak as they rely nearly entirely on their echolocation in the shallow muddy water of the rivers.

"This is a serious threat and needs urgent action. They are very special.

The cause of their pinkish hue is debated, with some scientists saying it is due to blood vessels being close to the skin and others citing scarring as the reason for their colouring.And given the financial incentive, it seems that it is a crime worth committing.From the flesh of one carcase, fishermen can catch up to 500 kilograms of the catfish known as piracatinga. Animals across the world, including dolphins, are facing issues that threaten their existence.