Our South African partner is dedicated to providing high quality, affordable international volunteering. These activities can include tackling challenges such as migration, violence in communities, health challenges including HIV and AIDS to name but a few. Each National Society works with and through its volunteers in a variety of service areas, depending on the needs of their communities.

While South Africa has a very long history of racial discrimination, the law of Apartheid only came into play in 1948 and ended in the early 1990’s, following years of protesting, international pressure and negotiations led by figurehead Nelson Mandela.

With these opportunities to volunteer in Johannesburg, you have the chance to become a local hero. Being a lawyer in Cape Town could make for an exciting career.

But before you pack your bags, you need to jump through some hoops. The well-established team has played a crucial role in helping the local community for almost 40 years. By using this website you agree to the use of cookies. Become a volunteer. While Sotho is the official language of the Kingdom of Lesotho, it is now widely spoken across the North-Eastern part of South Africa. However, it’s important to note that more than 50% of South Africa’s population still live in poverty and remnants of the Apartheid era are still evident in day to day life.Apartheid (literally meaning ‘apartness’ in the Afrikaans language), was a political and social system in South Africa that ensured racial segregation and deep discrimination against non-white individuals by limiting their rights and privileges. You can surf, sky-dive, bungee-jump, go whale watching, ride horses, dive with Great white sharks, and even ski (yes, it can snow here!). You can make a difference! You can make a difference! To find the contact details:The National Society of the selected country has a dedicated page where you can find all the necessary information to volunteer with us. How to Become a Volunteer Lawyer In South Africa. Communities living alongside some of the most famous national parks in South Africa are also struggling from food scarcity and minimal opportunities for employment, while those living on the rural coastline struggle to access healthcare and find schools for their children.Its complex and difficult history, one that is still very much in the making, means South Africa is a country that welcomes, and needs, volunteer support.As a volunteer in South Africa with African Impact, you will directly support one of our initiatives that focus on the sustainable support of local communities or conserving the country’s precious wildlife. 1994 saw the country’s first democratic election, where Mandela was elected the first black President of South Africa.Despite having ended over twenty-five years ago, the social, economic and politic consequences of the Apartheid rule is still impacting the 57-million residents of South Africa and there is still enormous inequality that continues to provide barriers to quality education and healthcare for marginalized citizens.The unequal distribution of wealth is not only seen in the bright lights of the most well-known city, Cape Town, but across the country. Traditionally, Zulu men wore animal skins and feathers, made famous by King Shaka Zulu who also brandished a large spear and shield.

Volunteering in South Africa is an incredibly rewarding and worthwhile experience. If you are passionate about applying for an internship or becoming a volunteer in South Africa and want to experience this diverse and extraordinary country for yourself, check out the full list of available programs below: X Close.

Tourism is the backbone of the economy and an income-generator for a lot of communities, so South Africa is the perfect destination to volunteer if you’re also looking to tick some bucket list adventures off your list.But, there’s a lot more to experience as a volunteer in South Africa than simply the tourist attractions.South Africa is also known for its diverse culture and has 11 different official languages – there is no other country in the world with quite so many.