Moldavite becomes a stunning green gem when polished,Two Moldavites from southern Bohemia, Czech Republic (top row) and two recent imitations from China (bottom row). Nevertheless, increasing interest in Moldavite has been witnessed owing to its metaphysical qualities, and leading to its growing availability.As far as collector-quality gemstones are concerned, Moldavite fetches a modest price. If you are not acclimatized to high energy, you can feel dizzy and drained after holding the stone. Dainty minimal simple olive green gem in sterling silver. How to say moldavite in English? It facilitates strong, clear and direct interdimensional interconnectedness between ones consciousness and the higher planes of light. Put it on your windowsill on the night of a full moon this will recharge it for you. Pronunciation of moldavite with 3 audio pronunciations, 2 translations and more for moldavite. This helps with deeper emotional healing.As a talisman from space, the moldavite stone has much to offer on a spiritual level. At first glance, Moldavite is nothing special - or so it seems! Moldavite Birthstone. Additionally, the intense frequency of the moldavite provides a strong power to the wearer.This incredible stone can only be found in Czechoslovakia. You have reached the maximum limit. Zodiac signs are based on the constellations in the sky, meaning that they are formed in the stars. If you feel a strong connection to this powerful star stone, you can choose to elect it as your birthstone. It was found in the archeological site of the Venus of Willendorf, the oldest known Goddess statue, and has been linked to legends of the Holy Grail. Public. All crystals choose their owners and sometimes they do move from owner to owner. Try choosing a different name. Moldavite Zodiac Sign. [Hall, 187][Simmons, 261-264] This is why some referred to it as an extraterrestrial stone.Moldavite is relatively fragile and should never be cleansed with salt to avoid scratching its surface. Depending on where the stone originates from the shapes will differ.When the moldavite is from Bohemian localities, it generally comes in more drop-like or elongate shapes. Since moldavite originates from the stars, it is affiliated with every sign of the zodiac.As a stone of the heart, it makes sense that moldavite is associated with the heart chakra. Moldavite is a powerful crystal stone with a rush of energy that creates a feeling while holding the stone in your hand. Photo by Jaroslav Hyršl via,Glass in a silver brooch, hallmark from 1866. The frequency of Moldavite is believed to have a profound impact in unleashing and accelerating individual spiritual evolution.The dulcet shades of Moldavite make it one of the most commonly imitated gemstones. AngelwearCreations. An imperfect and poorly cut or an unpolished Moldavite specimen appears quite dull when compared to a polished and finely cut piece. Unfortunately, moldavite is not a traditional birthstone. As a stone of the heart, it brings subconscious issues to the forefront of healthy emotional healing.It brings the heart and the mind together in peaceful harmony which helps the wearer to have a perfect balance. This unusual green crystal is certainly the stone to choose if you are on the spiritual path and you are looking for a high crystal energy stone to assist you. It is a stone that promotes spiritual awakening and transformation of the self.If you feel a strong connection to the moldavite, you will enjoy a sense of spiritual protection. In fact, moldavite imitations are nothing new. Fusing the energies of earth and cosmos, Moldavite is known as the stone of integrity and connectivity. This vitreous olive green to dark mossy green crystal was unearthed in 1787 around the Moldau River in modern-day Czech Republic, the former country of Czechoslovakia.While the general opinion is that the glass was created by the meteorite impact, some experts believe that this translucent material has an extra-terrestrial source that melted into glass during the meteorite’s journey from outer space to the earth.This glass-like amorphous crystal varies from transparent through translucent to opaque in its clarity. It also helps to improve the memory and the mind.If you want to heal on an emotional level, the moldavite can help with a variety of issues. Moldavite has a rich history, prized since the Stone Age and used not only for arrowheads and cutting tools, but as a spiritual talisman and amulet of good fortune, fertility and protection. Moldavite is a tektite.Tektites are forms of terrestrial glass that result in meteorite impacts. It carries one beyond the mirage of life, to a home from which one has been absent, providing the image of eternity and the vision and energy to translate the image into reality. Moldavite is a glass and much like all glasses, this gemstone calls for special care as it is quite fragile in nature.Moldavite has been hailed as a talisman over the centuries for its soothing crystal structure and metaphysical power. Based on the size and colour of the Moldavite, the price can start from US$70 for a piece as small as 3 grams and go much higher for bigger options.