All rights reserved. And while we only see them on that planet for a 7-10 minute scene, their ship's engines were waterlogged, which kept them there for at least a few hours (23 years in Earth time). I was thinking about making the waves move. Interstellar was The most mindblowing movie Ever before!!

If you'll recall, the tidal wave planet also had a time dilation, so every hour spent there was seven years time on Earth. But unfortunately their calculations about that giant black hole were wrong.

As soon as this time is up, they get out of there.]

In interstellar, the first planet they visit is the closest one to Gargantua, and hence the one with the biggest time dilation effect (1 hour on the planet … Mock spaceships weighing around 4,500 kg had to be transported to the icy wastes. Miller's planet could have existed up to 1 AU away, but it would be right near the edge of the event horizon. Assume that the descent and ascent took about an hour apiece.

Read the Schemagic feature announcement for more info. Best case scenario is a 9 AU trip. This considers flight time in and out, the brief time spent walking outside the ship, the time riding the wave, and the time spent waiting for the engines to drain. To put this in perspective, the trip from Earth to Saturn is an 11 AU trip and it took two years in the first act of the film. The crew quickly lands on the planet (using aerobraking), then quickly try to retrieve the data. Check out my new adaption of the Tesseract from Interstellar! That, and, you know... publicity. Her mistake, the one she beats herself up on is the mistake of not realizing that Miller had only been down there for a short time beforehand and not the decade that it was to them. I have seen the movie and it is looking good. According to the book, there is indeed quite a distance to travel to Miller's planet and the 23 years include the travel time from the Endurance to the planet's atmosphere, entry, the big mess with the waves, subsequent escape from local gravity and return to the Endurance. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

With that in mind, here's every planet, planetoid and naturally occurring phenomenon in "Interstellar," ranked from non-terriblest, to absolute worst.

Cooper quickly notices that another wave is coming, and the crew rushes back (albeit slower than they should have). Remember that scene with the mountains that were actually massive tidal waves? Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. This comment explains things really well. IIRC Cooper was just as surprised, turned around with a questioning stare at brand, and she replied which something to the effect of 'I messed up/miscalculated which I took to mean as reading the time gap wrong. Directed by Christopher Nolan, Interstellar is a fantastic tale of time, space, and love. You don't just drop out of orbit around Miller's planet and into the gravity well.

WHAT HAPPEN TO TARS HE FORGOT TARS WHYYYYY!! At most, they could have spent only about 1 hour 15 minutes on or near the planet. If this one piece of the plot fails - and it seems almost too obvious to overlook - then the rest of the story that relies upon it is on much shakier ground.] This would equate to roughly 7 years of time outside of the black hole's cusp (in orbit, where Endurance is).]

I was under the impression that could have been an hour or more. © 2010 - 2020

Update #1 : 11/18/2014 7:17:03 pmNov 18th, 2014. AWESOME! Could've taken longer for the engines to drain. So if you imagine point A to point D being Endurance to Miller's world with A having normal time and D having 7 years per year, points B and C might be points where it's 2-6 years for every year on A. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. One of the big points of the film is that the team was ill-prepared for … Cookies help us deliver our Services. The two main filming sites are Orrustuhóll in the Eldhraun lava field; and Svínafellsjökull, east of Skaftafell, an outlet glacier of Vatnajökull, both in southern Iceland. It wasn't the estimate on the time gap itself. You don't travel from normal time to a place where time is dilated 60,000 in a few hours.