When times were bad they were awful.“It’s the most up-and-down relationship I have had.”.It was reported earlier this month that Carrie was asked to leave her £80,000-a-year job at Conservative HQ after being accused of abusing her expenses.Tory sources claimed she was costing the party thousands in unauthorised costs, including taxis to restaurants even when off-duty.Friends dismissed the claims as nonsense and a “politically motivated smear” by opponents of Brexit, adding she was ousted for taking time off for the Worboys campaign.A Conservative source confided there were concerns Carrie was interfering with Boris’s leadership campaign, likening the pair to former US President Bill Clinton and his ambitious wife Hillary.The source said: “There was tension that she was getting ‘a bit Hillary’ to his Bill — too involved in campaign detail.”,Her close friend Nimco Ali, Britain’s best known anti-FGM campaigner, said: “People in love row once in a while. Having failed to get a part, she turned to politics, joining Conservative HQ as a press officer.Her first duties included aiding Tory MP Zac Goldsmith’s electoral campaign in 2010 then helping  Boris get re-elected as London mayor in 2012, although those working on the campaign insist her contribution was marginal.She became a special adviser to John Whittingdale at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and then worked for now Home Secretary Sajid Javid. Lawyer. She was promoted to Director of Communications for the Conservative Party and worked with Boris during his time as Mayor of London.Carrie left Westminster in 2018 when her affair with the politician came to light. Schwartz, 22, and Petie C.M.Schwartz, 18, from Seymour in the US state of Missouri, would have been "eaten alive" by the prison system, a prosecutor says,Sex after a heart attack can help improve your chances of survival,Previous evidence had raised fears that the excitement from having sex could trigger a repeat heart attack but new research claims it can boost survival chances,Michael Lonsdale dead: James Bond villain dies aged 89 at home in Paris,Michael Lonsdale, who played a Bond villain opposite Roger Moore's James Bond in the 1979 film Moonraker, has died,Transfer news LIVE: Done deals and Latest gossip including Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Man Utd,The summer transfer window is heading towards its climax, and with the Premier League season now underway, clubs are making final moves as they bid to settle their squads for the campaign,Ellen DeGeneres says dog broke leg in 'awful accident' leaving it screaming in pain,Ellen DeGeneres has revealed details of the 'awful' accident in which her dog Kid was left with a broken leg after being hit by her poodle Wally,Mikel Arteta explains reasons behind William Saliba's Arsenal snub,Mikel Arteta has yet to hand a start to French defender William Saliba this season, with the former Saint-Etienne man failing to feature in either of Arsenal's two matchday squads this campaign,Diversity's Jordan Banjo says their children 'received threats' after BGT dance,Jordan Banjo has opened up about the aftermath of Diversity's Black Lives Matter inspired dance on Britain's Got Talent, saying the "negative voices" were loud to begin with,Matt Lucas mocks Boris Johnson's coronavirus message in 'best Bake Off opening ever',The Great British Bake Off 2020 launched on Tuesday night, but was delayed due to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's coronavirus update,We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story,Bolton surges in coronavirus cases again despite two-week local lockdown,Despite being used as a model for nationwide lockdown restrictions including pub curfews, Bolton's coronavirus infection rates have spiked over 200 per 100,000 people again,Magaluf will 'rise from coronavirus ashes' but with radical makeover for tourists,The tourist hotspot is aiming to "rise from the ashes" with a completely new-look which also includes hiring private security staff and banning pub crawls and free bars,New pub, restaurant and takeaway rules as Boris Johnson announces 10pm curfew,Huge changes are coming to how we go to pubs, restaurants and kebab shops - and they're set to last all winter.