Look carefully to make sure you don’t miss any. 3. The student i. Identifies and applies the meaning of the terms antonym, synonym, and homophone. The person who has the most points when all the cards have been flipped over wins. Cut out the cards and use as a concentration game. We have a full list of English homophones and lots of free homophone worksheets, riddles, jokes & more.One of the best ways to learn about homophones is to see how the different words are used in sentences, as this helps to provide some context for how each one should be used.We’ve therefore created more than 100 homophones sentences below as examples for you to use. It walks in the woods, with nothing on. Try this game: Make flashcards with x1 homophone on each side and the translation in your language in brackets.

Ask a friend to choose random cards and read out the homophones and/or translations. Try several different approaches and see what works best for you! Tea / Tee 13. (“Homo-” means the same, “-phone” means sound. (f) The old man had no money; he was (pour/poor/paw). Activity 1: Match the words below to the correct picture. Can you eat it and play golf at the same time? � In this study guide, we’ll teach you some of the best travel phrases, local expressions and slang to make the most of your trip.

About one-fifth of the Earth’s population speaks …,Preposition Errors! 2.


When students have completed the graphic organizer, have them place it in their notebook. Steel / Steal 22. ).Son (noun): A boy or man in relation to his parents.Sun (noun): Star round which the Earth orbits, light/warmth from this star.Aunt (noun): The sister of someone’s father or mother.Aren’t (contraction): Short form of ‘are not’.Farther (adverb): Comparative form of ‘far’.Root (noun): Underground part of a plant or tree, source or origin.Wood (noun): Small forest, material from trees.Would (verb): Past tense form of ‘will’, expresses conditional.Sea (noun): Expanse of salt water that covers most of our planet.See (verb): Action of perceiving with the eyes.Tide (noun): Alternate rising and falling of the sea.Shore (noun): The land along the edge of the sea or a body of water.Sure (adjective): Confident that one is right.Weather (noun): Relates to sunshine, rain, wind etc.Whether (conjunction): Expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.Missed (verb): Past tense form of ‘miss’.Dew (noun): Tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night.Due (adjective): Expected at a certain time.Reed (noun): A tall plant which grows in water or marshy ground.Read (verb): Look at and comprehend the meaning of words.Air (noun): Mix of gases that we breathe.Heir (noun): A person entitled to the property or rank of another after death.Night (noun): The period from sunset to sunrise.Knight (noun): An old term for a mounted soldier in armour.Sew (verb): Join or repair with needle and thread.Sow (verb): Plant by scattering seeds on the ground.So (adverb/conjunction): To the same or greater extent, therefore, in order that.Pause (verb): Interrupt an action briefly.Paws (noun): Plural form of ‘paw’, animal foot with pads and claws.Pours (verb): 3rd person form of ‘pour’, flow quickly in a steady stream.Pores (noun): Plural form of ‘pore’, tiny holes in the skin.Wrap (verb): Cover in paper or soft material.Rap (noun/verb): Hip-hop music, singing style involving quick rhymes.Wear (verb/noun): Have clothing on one’s body, damage over time through use/friction.Ware (noun): Manufactured items of a certain type.Steal (verb): Take (illegally) without permission.Steel (noun): Common type of metal use in construction.Write (verb): Mark letters, words or symbols on paper with a pen or pencil.Right (adjective): Correct, just, opposite of left.Buy (verb): Get something in exchange for payment.By (preposition): Identifying who performed an action, near to, using.Bye (exclamation): Informal way of saying ‘goodbye’.Sell (verb): Give or hand over something for money.Hear (verb): Perceive sound with the ears.Here (adverb): In, at, or to this place or position.Break (verb): Smash or separate into pieces.Brake (noun): A device used to slow down a moving vehicle.Affect (verb): Influence, cause to change.Effect (noun): A change which is a result of an action or other cause.Dye (verb/noun): To colour something, substance that adds colour.Waste (verb/noun): Use or expend carelessly, rubbish or unwanted material.Waist (noun): Part of the body or measurement around the hips.No (exclamation and determiner): A negative response, not any.Accept (verb): Agree to receive or undertake something.Except (preposition): Not including, other than.Wait (verb): Stay where you are until a particular time or event.Weight (noun): The heaviness of a person or thing.Weigh (verb): Use scales to determine the weight of something.Way (noun): Method of doing something, road or route.Whey (noun): Watery component of milk after the formation of curds.Threw (verb): Past tense form of ‘throw’.Through (preposition): Moving in one side and out of the other.Mail (noun): Letters and parcels sent by post.Vain (adjective): Inflated sense of self or appearance, producing no result.Vane (noun): Weathervane, broad blade attached to rotating wheel/axis.Hole (noun): Gap or space in the ground or a surface.Bored (adjective): Lacking interest or engagement.Board (noun/verb): Long and flat piece of wood, get onto transport (plane, ship, etc.

Learn these …,Idioms! They are homophones. Then click on the "Check Here!" For each pair or set, there are meanings and examples. Make sure you check out our complete homophones list. These words are often spelt differently in English too (e.g. (c) The mouse got his (tale/tail) caught. Neatness, color, and organization will also play a role in the assessment/evaluation. (e) The cat hurt its (pour/poor/paw). Homophones Sentences I am short-sighted in my right eye, so I have to wear contact lenses.

Horse / Hoarse 12. Context. Part Two (a) Lucy couldn't wait to (meet/meat) her friend. 3. bean – been. (d) Glen has a long (wait/weight) for the bus. The heir to the throne went flying in a hot air balloon. Hints are provided in the form of homophones. Knight and night are two of these words, known as homophones.

Mobile apps offer a quick solution for learning homophones on the move! bare.

(d) A rabbit is a bit like a (hare/hair).

20.� Meaning of a clock and a herb. Make sure you check out our complete homophones list. 2. When someone matches the two homophone cards together they receive one point. To get you started, check out the 5 study tips below:This is basically a fancy way of saying “in a real sentence or situation”.