Define kunzite.

The owner will be covered with love, and have calm feelings. Kunzite is named after George Frederick Kunz, the first person to catalog it.

n. A lilac-colored spodumene used as a gemstone. The Divinatory meaning of Kunzite: What a relative or very close friend is saying is not what they mean. This is the perfect stone to help you realise how you want to be loved and how to nurture yourself. It’s a gemstone that’s loved for its color and clarity. It is also a healing stone, and hence, beneficial for those suffering from heartbreaks. Take some care when you clean it, using only soapy water and dry it with soft cloth, instead of using aggressive products, avoid steam and ultrasonic machine, store it separately from other harder gemstones like Topaz , Sapphire , Diamonds . And, although not a brand new trend, using the diamond as an embellishment to a statement coloured stone is still popular: "Our clients are showing a desire to see coloured gemstones from top quality rubies and sapphires through to more unusual stones, tourmaline, The wide-range of gemstones including sapphires from Kashmir, emeralds from Swat, rubies from the northern areas and pink topazes from Katlang, Mardan, and good quality zircon, different varieties of quartz, aquamarine, tourmaline, sphene, spinel, zoisite apatite, epidote, morganite, garnet, scapolite, clino zoisite, xenotime, bastnaesite, peridot, nephrite, serpentine, red agate, diopside, pargasite, amethyst, scheelite, pollucite, chrome diopside and. Kunzite gets its beautiful lilac-pink colors from the presence of manganese in the stone.

[Eason, 57] Kunzite and the Angelic Realm. A highly beneficial crystal, kunzite is also considered a powerful healing crystal. Kunzite …

With this stone in hand, imagine love vibrating in every cell, bone and muscle in your physical body.

Most kunzite are not treated, but some stones are heated to around 150ºC to improve its color.

It’s a transparent and high luster stone.

Kunzite can help you recognize the great love from the God. Colorless to yellow Spodumene is named Triphane. Kunzite with its bright and pink color is said to be ideal for lovers as it brings out unconditional love in an individual. Kunzite is a crystal that is often used to balance the emotions. It is a beautiful violet color and is useful for working with “The Violet Flame”. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This crystal was first discovered in 1902. Kunzite Stone – Meaning, Benefits and Properties Kunzite stone is becoming the most popular gemstone and requested by jewelers and gemstone collectors. When you learn these two things, you begin to attract others who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. It is also said to enhance an individual’s devotion towards love. It’s a gemstone that has a pink to violet color, and sometimes it’s even colorless. kunzite synonyms, kunzite pronunciation, kunzite translation, English dictionary definition of kunzite. With that original pink color that it has, is the perfect substitute for the pink diamond, the stone that gained a lot of popularity among celebrities. Kunzites loving energies supports the health of your physical heart as well as your general health.

Kunzite is of the pink Spodumene variety. This stone has strong metaphysical properties that aid you to lift your mood and to help you to heal emotional problems, such as anxiety and stress. Meaning. Kunzite helps relieve stress related diseases. The connection of Kunzite to the heart and to feelings and vibrations of love mean that it has a gentle yet powerful energy that can be felt if you wear the stone regularly and close to the heart or throat.

Violet Kunzite. Green Spodumene is named Hiddenite. The whisper of your heart can be hard to hear–holding a kunzite crystal in quiet meditation can help you sink into your heart and let it speak to you.

In addition to being a stone that opens one up for love, kunzite crystal meaning also stands for devotion, calm and clarity. This light pink crystal has an energy that it aids you to resonate with love, including being able to experience the love of the Great Divine spirit. Kunzite like any other gemstone can chip and crack easily if hit heavily, so be careful when you wear it.