2/of more, I lied The vast majority of what you're looking for is the aesthetic presentation and description. You seem interested in an Elder Brain being on-board.

A standard mind flayer crew has 10 illithids, plus 2-5 additional flayers (depending upon the number of series helms in use). For the interior design of the nautiloids I think the Wraith ships from Stargate Atlantis or the Leviathan living ships from Farscape would be a good start. tubular, slimy/leathery. An Elder brain with a few tadpoles in some sort of stasis, hoping to avoid death and maybe be discovered by another colony of mindflayers someday. Ooh, how about this: the ship is controlled by an amalgam of ilithid brains, like a "small elder brain", that has survived all this time by assimilating brains from different creatures, and now its insane. While it seems difficult to fit an Elder Brain itself into a nautiloid, a certain kind of mind flayer helm did involve the use of an illithid tadpole pool. What crew or other creatures they encounter, Atlantis again provides some good examples of the kind of things, hibernating evil, burrowed beasts feasting on the bottom of the hull, if the nautiloid is there long enough plants grow on top and some new evil plant creatures protect the corrupted soil. Looks like the old spelljammer ship card! The nautiloid reflects the nature of the illithids. For instance, I know MToF details githyanki ships, but doesn’t explain damage-based things. I'm looking for inspiration here, so no wrong answers. The command station, with the captain's chair and its day room. Those things already exist in the Dungeon Master's Guide and Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and the cuttlefish in Mad Mage has them as well.

The bridge deck, with the upper battle station (two ballistae), the mess, and ventral observer positions. That covers your weird movement, gravity and air in space, etc.
5e. I came here thinking you meant the sea creature, and now I'm curious what it would actually be like inside a nautilus.

There is one example of a fully-statted 5e spelljamming helm in Mad Mage. Creatures with a challenge rating less than 1 (5e) Creatures with a 1 challenge rating (5e) Creatures with a 2 challenge rating (5e) Immortals. Broadly, there are a number of (cramped) decks, the smallest scrunched up into the top of the nautiloid shell, and the rest becoming larger and longer as they drop down the growing spiral, until the shell merges into the more traditional ship's deck. My players are unknowingly embarking on a quest during which they will investigate a crashed and derelict nautiloid (mind flayer vessel that they once used to travel from plane to plane). I'm working on a dungeon where a Mind flayer vessel crashed into the earth creating a giant tear In an island. While inside the nautiloid the presence of the Elder Brain would cause a person to experience the feeling that they are not alone. Obviously, this is also a way to get a neothelid into a ship too. The number of series helms in use determines the ship's tactical speed. Mind Flayer Dungeons ... Dnd Dragons Dungeons And Dragons 5e Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Dungeons And Dragons Characters Dnd Characters Dnd Stats Pen & Paper Dungeon Master's Guide Dragon Sword. The new AL Guide details the racial bonus changes I assume will be featured in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. It's a bit like when you see someone take a breath and open their mouths to say something, but they never say anything; they just leave you hanging with that feeling of anticipation, as though at any second they might decide to speak. Nautiloid Gargantuan vehicle (90 ft. by 30 ft.) Creature Capacity 35 crew, 20 passengers… Make the inside resemble the alien hive from Aliens, aka. Constructs (5e) Creatures of lawful neutral alignment. Les Nautiloïdes sont d'excellents marqueurs stratigraphiques . Got any good ideas for nautiloids? Humans are the slaves of choice, but sometimes other races can be found as slaves on a nautiloid. Also, any excuse to use a Neothelid is a good excuse on my books. 2/of more, I lied The vast majority of what you're looking for is the aesthetic presentation and description.
Learn how your comment data is processed. Also the lower battle station (one ballista). Perhaps it might be interesting to twist it a bit? I was considering a few intellect devourers wandering the halls.

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