And the federal government needs to be working alongside as a partner to ensure that Canadian forestry continues to succeed, while meeting the highest environmental and sustainability standards. New Democrats will create 300,000 good jobs in a first mandate with Power to Change: A new deal for climate action and good jobs, addressing the climate crisis while making life better for all Canadians. Those good jobs have helped to build many of our communities. Productivity growth is at a record low. To make it simpler for young people and women to get into agriculture and build a life on the farm, we’ll work with the provinces to improve training opportunities across the country and provide low-cost start-up loans for new farmers. In the past, Canadians have most often seen our party oppose. “We are more determined that our deserved victory shall not be stolen from us again. A New Democrat government will immediately ban unpaid internships outside of education programs. ndp | analytics is a strategic economic and communication research firm. Mental health matters, and too many Canadian farmers are living with high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Enhancing the competitiveness of our regional industries by bringing everyone to the table. That’s why New Democrats will make sure that high-speed broadband and cell phone infrastructure is available to connect our farmers and rural communities to the services and tools they need, no matter where in the country they are. But to ensure that, we understand that we have to continue to mobilise.

Companies caught dodging taxes get special access to sweetheart deals, and CEOs get to keep hundreds of millions in special tax benefits. Technologies are advancing, making new industries possible and sending others into decline. Workers should never, ever feel abandoned by their government. It may be convenient to blame “sumptuous European welfare states”—to quote one senior Conservative spokesman, but it does us a disservice to pretend that public spending was the root of this crisis, or that slashing public services will somehow provide the solution. That’s why New Democrats will introduce a payment protection program for produce growers and take immediate steps to restore protection for growers selling to the United States under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act.

Our economy is built on a foundation of basic government services that we often forget: police, courts, education, infrastructure. A career in the arts shouldn’t mean a struggle to get by. The economic engine of Southern Ontario has been hit by a perfect storm: Increased competition from abroad, an artificially high Canadian dollar, and the worst global economic downturn in more than eight decades. We’ll also provide small- and medium-sized businesses with a single point of contact to help ease regulatory processes and support compliance - freeing up time for entrepreneurs to invest in growing their business. About a year ago, former TD Bank Chief Economist Don Drummond published an article entitled "Confessions of a Serial Productivity Researcher.". But there is still much work to be done to protect Canadian jobs against the risk that the U.S. could impose new tariffs. And I don't need to tell you that these communities are facing real challenges. Small businesses need a government that helps them access the services and infrastructure they need to thrive and expand, while investing in a healthy and talented workforce. But if we work together, if we're willing to face down the tough issues, and tackle them head on, then our fate―and our future―are still very much in our own hands.

On the Atlantic coast, we'll ensure that resource allocations in fisheries are guided by the principles of adjacency, historic dependence, and sustainability, while also respecting Indigenous rights. Household debt is at an all time high. Supporting good jobs in natural resources.

That’s why New Democrats believe that it should be easier – not harder - to join a union that will protect your rights and ensure fair working conditions.

“Suddenly it’s OK to put 30-plus people in a room with no barriers, no Plexiglas, with nothing in between them. B.C. Despite the importance of our food system, Liberal and Conservative governments alike have left farmers to cope with a rapidly changing climate and mounting financial stress on their own, while negotiating away critical protections in trade deals. 5 – National system of innovation and R&D critical for growing the economy . From the investments in education that gave rise to a resilient Canadian high-tech industry, to the investments in infrastructure that made Southern Ontario a central player in the North American automotive industry. Unfortunately, under Liberal and Conservative governments, trade negotiations have too often hurt Canadian industries and cost us jobs. “And this is something that workers, and local businesses simply can’t afford. Right here in Toronto, you have a film and television industry that's growing at a rate of 25% a year―more than double the economic growth rate of China.