This Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions Tier List will teach you about all the best companions in PoE2 so you know who’s worth putting on your team and who to stick on the bench.You have a lot of choices when it comes to companions in.Maia is universally regarded as the best of all the Pillars of Eternity 2 companions. Your only option for a cipher (besides Serafen — we’ll get to that), but also can come as a rogue or dual class. Try hard enough, and a group of all Druids could work, and a group made up entirely of Monks could work.However, this is far from ideal, and only those seeking the greatest of challenges would want to try it. Also each companion has their own personality, temperament, preferences and personal quest. If you're struggling on a fight, consider why you are losing and if other party members would help. Game Guides, Reviews, Fiction, and even Essays, so be sure to take a quick look at the,Indie games are where it’s at, especially the ones they call ‘Triple-I’, like what Supergiant Games and Lab Zero produced. Her Herald class (Paladin/Chanter) is a fantastic class combo; She’ll be buffing your whole squad with all sorts of auras and chanting bonuses.Hard to beat her in terms of utility for a frontliner, and her survivability is immense. Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire Companions. Aegislash is an incredible pokemon both defensively and offensively with ridiculous defensive stats,This Dragon Quest 11 Veronica Build & Equipment Guide will teach you how to maximize Veronica’s potential in Dragon Quest 11 so you can dominate the game. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is an open ended game when it comes to party type, and even size. Not topping the list of Pillars of Eternity 2 companions, for sure.By the time you get him, you almost assuredly have your full party set in stone, but if not he makes a decent support character. I will add information as soon as possible,Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. Go to any Inn or Tavern to do so. Basically it gives up most of the most useless spells in the Druid tree in order to enhance almost all of the most useful ones by making them have no friendly fire. You can find her in "The Dark Cupboard" which in turn you can find in "Periki's Overlook" in Neketaka. Check out the,We have tons of content on Bright Rock Media. Your party should never be all hugging the enemy, nor should all 5 be trying to attack from range. None of it matters.

Her stats are… alright. Her stats aren’t great, though she does have 16 CON, but your only other option for a Monk is Xoti and, honestly, broken as monks are, Xoti is more well-suited to using her unique items and abilities. It’d be a shame not to dual class her to Monk/Priest since she gets unique abilities in each class.Without Threshing Aura, Xoti would be terrible. Unlike every other companion (except arguably Tekehu), she’s better than a player character you could min-max for the exact same role. Companions in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire are covered on this page. He also gets a better-than-normal Chanter subclass, but you’d be gimping him if you go that route. After you complete the quest she gives you, you can ask her if she would like to join you.I found another companion- Konstanten in Neketaka. Besides that, the companions create relationships with your character as well as between themselves. Mirke is a much better in-your-face killing machine.Definitely one of the best Pillars of Eternity 2 companions.The other character who is better than a PC you could make to fill the same role. Finally we reach our number one companion in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, Xoti. That’s all it takes to make him one of the best Pillars of Eternity 2 companions.Pallegina is the best support tank in the game. Stealth, Mechanics, Sleight of Hand and many other. It’s more the fact that the monk class is exceedingly broken and thematically she makes great use of the.If you want to go that route, you should probably make her a Shadowdancer (Monk/Rogue) so she can have access to the Marux Amanth. Companions can join your party and aid you in combat. No matter what you pick with her, you’ll get the same experience: high damage output, needs a lot of attention to not die.Basically a discount Eder. While being in your party companions will react on words you say to them or other.Btw, Vatnir is a Sidekick, not a Companion.That drunk Orlan in Fort Dreadlight is a side kick. You most likely want to take him as his dual class, Celebrant (Priest/Chanter), and make him a full-on support character, but a full-on support character is not something that is particularly game-changing in this game.Vatnir’s forgettable and that definitely puts him toward the bottom of the best Pillars of Eternity 2 companions list. Upon recruitment you can choose a class or multiclass for a companion from the list of possible options. He has great stats for a Fighter (16 MIG, 16 CON), and if you make him a dual-wielding swashbuckler he’ll have even more passive damage bonuses to stack up. Maia is universally regarded as the best companion in this game. If you’re playing Dragon Quest 11 you’re going to want,Top 5 IMPORTANT Wasteland 3 Beginner Tips,Why You SHOULD Overthrow the Wasteland 3 Bizarre,Best and Worst Wasteland 3 Weapon Types TIER LIST,Why You SHOULDN’T Finish the Wasteland 3 Provost Quest,S Tier – Best Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,A Tier – Best Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,B Tier – Best Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,C Tier – Best Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,D Tier – Best Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,F Tier – Pillars of Eternity 2 Companions,Pillars of Eternity 2 Best Classes Tier List,Dragon Age Inquisition Best Mage Equipment,Best Dragon Quest 11 Serena Build & Equipment,Best Star Ocean 1 Characters Definitive Tier List,Final Fantasy Tactics Bard Guide & Review,Westworld Season 2 Review: More Action, Less Intrigue,6 Indie Games I Really Want to Finally Come Out,Pokemon Sword & Shield: Best Aegislash Moveset,Best Dragon Quest 11 Veronica Build & Equipment.