Rhodolite is typically found as water-worn pebbles in alluvial deposits, but it is also occasionally mined directly from host metamorphic rock. The human heart has incredible capabilities, especially when you channel the beautiful and heart-warming qualities of the Rhondonite crystal.Here's a tough lesson in love: a rose is beautiful and lovely but it also has thorns. Rhodonite was the talismanic gem of Russia.Rhodonite was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1790’s near the village of Maloe Sidelnikovo. It was declared the official gemstone of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1979.Enter your email to subscribe to the Basic Crystal Users Course and receive discounted membership in the.Protector and Ruler of the dates November 13-17; Scorpio.Protector and Ruler of the dates December 8-12; Sagittarius.Protector and Ruler of the dates March 16-20; Pisces.Protector and Ruler of the dates Nov 28-Dec 2; Sagittarius.Protector and Ruler of the dates Jan 31- Feb 4; Aquarius.Master of the 5th Tarot Card “The Hierophant”.Protector and Ruler of the dates January 11-15; Capricorn.Protector and Ruler of the dates January 26-30; Aquarius.Protector and Ruler of the dates November 8-12; Scorpio. This colour, and rhodonite that shares it, will bring youthful energy and joie de vivre into your life.It will give you a resiliency that people often lose.It can also help you to achieve balance and harmony within your life, especially in developing an effortless balance between your social/external and spiritual/internal lives.Many people feel that they have trouble harmonizing these two elements of themselves, and you can ensure that you don’t run into that problem by bringing the power of rhodonite into your life!Rhodonite can help you come to clearer conclusions about who and what you want to be in your life, including what career path you want to follow, and what choices you want to make in your relationship.It will give you clarity and confidence in making these decisions, and prevent you from getting bogged down by hesitation.It can also give you the strength to chop negative people out of your life with the confidence of a lumberjack chopping down a tree!Rhodonite is a good looking stone, and sure to make for a stunning piece of jewelry or accessory to an outfit when you want to make an impression.However, it’s the idea of rhodonite healing properties that just as often attract those seeking a special spiritual something into picking this stone out.The sense of clarity and confidence that comes from rhodonite makes it very popular for those about to embark on a new chapter in their lives.This crystal enhances concentration and capabilities in both emotional maturity and sharpness of the mind – very vital things to have at their best when life throws a curve ball your way.They are all valuable in their own ways, just different!Pale pink rhodonite crystals have a strong spiritual energy, and will improve the lives of those seeking harmony, peace, and personal healing.Especially when used in conjunction with a crown chakra stone like clear quartz or amethyst, a pale pink rhodonite stone will help you become “enlightened” within your own life.A brighter pink stone will fill you with energy and passion for living your best life.This is the stone to work with when you’re making big decisions, especially about your relationships, but also about your career or your personal life.It will fill you with confidence and optimism.A deeper red rhodonite stone will make you fearless and passionate. It is a marvelous stone for turning back insults and understanding that retaliation and revenge only hurt the self. Pyrope is much rarer than almandite and is usually free of flaws and is a transparent red.

It can be a great help in reconnecting with the divine.This stone has the ability to help its user create a bond with divine beings such as guardian angels. Simply feeling the pulse of its energy in the palm of one’s hand can bring about inner peace.Some recommend this stone for individuals who suffer from PTSD, anxiety, or other emotional problems.

It can benefit one’s spiritual, emotional, and physical existence.Rhodolite is commonly referred to as the “Rose Stone” because it belongs to the garnet family of gems.

Rhodolite can help one get to the truth of matters, and it encourages honest appraisal of the soul.Aquarius is the zodiac sign belonging to the period of January 20-February 18.