Always seek competent professional advice and abide by the regulatory standards in your operating location(s). Keep the report on hand for the duration of the employee’s tenure with the company, at a minimum.Some workplace mishaps result in an injury that requires on-site or walk-in medical first aid treatment. C���B��%�ν9�jHz�*��Ue6 P�����dm A0U�p��2����5WG

Recording an incident report is still vitally important, even where it’s not expressly required by regulatory bodies.Here is an incident report sample description for incidents resulting in the need for first aid.While you should always document injuries requiring first aid internally, you typically don’t need to add them to your Form 300A or other regulatory reporting. You may use a special incident reporting form, and it … �M��p�%�"sIFI�Jl���pm|$��CԺC-�E�sU����`Ƭ���o}�g��eY��SY���`H�� Report and store the files according to your regulator’s requirements. Its primary purpose is to uncover the circumstances and conditions that led to the event in order to prevent future incidents. Safesite Solutions, Inc. disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded) for any error, inaccuracy, or omission from the information contained in the resources hosted on this website and any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.What Does an Incident Report Need to Include?Safety Inspections, Audits and Checklists,Safety Health and Team Performance Monitoring,Assistance with Digitizing your Safety Documents,Smart Safety Notifications and Safety Campaigns,Available in Spanish and English languages,Library of Inspections, Checklists, and Meeting Templates,Manage COVID-19 Risk with Safety Management Software,Top 10 Construction Safety Checklists in 2020 (with Templates),3 Proven Ways to Achieve Speed and Safety in Project Schedules,Top Certifications for Safety Professionals,The Best Forklift Inspection Checklists – with Free Templates,How to Get Your Forklift License (Certification),How to Perform a Health and Safety Risk Assessment,Core Attributes of a World-Class Safety Culture,How to Evaluate and Select Fall Protection Equipment,Type of incident (injury, near miss, property damage, or theft),A narrative description of the incident, including the sequence of events and results of the incident,Video and/or 360-degree photographs of the scene,Description of the incident, including specific job site location, the sequence of events, and the results of the event,Associated hazards raised and resolved following the event,The affected individual’s version of the events,Actions taken by concerned individuals after the incident,How the decision was made to call (or not to call) emergency services,Description of the incident, including specific job site location, sequence of events, and results of the event,Name of the chemical/pathogen/carcinogen, amount, concentration, and description of hazard labels/safety data sheets (SDS),Whether or not a contaminated sharp was involved,Description of injuries, including body part(s) exposed, length of exposure, and size of area exposed,Photographs of the scene and hazard labels involved.

Employee’s Report of Injury Form Instructions: Employees shall use this form to report all work related injuries, illnesses, or “near miss” events (which could have caused an injury or illness) – no matter how minor. Near Miss Report. Often, workers can return and finish their shift. If your incident forms are easy to fill out in the field, you’re more likely to capture accurate, timely information.Traditionally, companies used paper forms, but many companies now look to secure software to not only document and store incidents but also to trend problem areas and reveal safety gaps.Not ready to go mobile yet? It’s generally best practice to preserve the files for the duration of employment.When exposure to dangerous chemicals or pathogens occurs, it’s important to document the event carefully in an incident report.Including the following details will make your exposure incident report more effective:Here’s an incident report sample description for overexposure via inhalation:Be sure to attach medical reports and lost-time from work, if any, to your initial report.