Few people are familiar with the concept of Social Credit by Clifford Hugh Douglas.In his book, by the same name, his theory is presented.
It will no longer be essential to,Offering a secure income to all, the national dividend will be particularly useful to women. Growing concern at ecological devastation, poverty amidst plenty, massive pollution, mass migration, economic wars over oil, water and other threats to the very fabric of society have resulted in calls for alternative approaches to the study of economics and society.

Difference Between a 'Basic Income' and the National Dividend.Is Income Inequality the Central Economic Problem?A Review of "The Economics of Social Credit and Catholic Social Teaching",Subsidiarity, Distributism, and Social Credit (or Three Acres and a Cow),The Role of Social Credit in Restoring Classical Conservatism,From the Proposed ABC Act to Full-Fledged Douglas Social Credit. In 1932, Aberhart began combining salvation with economics when he was inspired by an obscure monetary theory called "social credit." They lose all 12 points for the third time and are banned from owning a dog for a period of 5 years; owners also lose all 12 points immediately if their dogs are found unregistered with the government or faulting annual review.In August 2019, assistant researcher Zhengjie Fan of,In August 2018, Professor Genia Kostka of,In May 2020, Chinese investigative media group,In October 2019, Professor Kui Shen of the Law School of.From 2017–2018, researchers argued that the credit system will be part of the government's plan to automate their authoritarian rule over the Chinese population.This page was last edited on 15 September 2020, at 22:19. Social Credit's principles were formulated by an English engineer, Major C.H. Likewise, the immediate negative consequences for a low score, or being associated to someone with a low score, range from lower internet speeds to being denied access to certain jobs, loans and visas.Among other things, the Social Credit System is meant to provide an answer to the problem of lack of trust on the Chinese market. For example, China's biggest matchmaking service,City-level pilot projects for the social credit score system have included rewarding individuals for aiding authorities in enforcing restrictions of religious practices, including coercing practitioners of.Mugshots of blacklisted individuals are sometimes displayed on large LED screens on buildings, or shown before the movie in movie theaters.The rewards of having a high score include easier access to loans and jobs and priority during bureaucratic paperwork. According to economic theory as taught in universities across the world.to economic growth and environmental degradation. Imagine that, all this time—countless decades in fact— Social Crediters have been calling for certain changes to the financial and economic structure of society, and now, if this bill is passed and becomes law, we will have a taste of it, ironically, without any of its proponents having known anything at all, presumably, about C.H. Developed by the guild socialists and Clifford Hugh Douglas in the immediate aftermath of the First World War, social credit was widely studied throughout the middle decades of the twentieth century.The payment of a national dividend or basic income to all regardless of past, present or,Orthodox economics studies the economy by assuming the existing economy as given. The pilots are more widespread than their local government counterparts, but function on a voluntary basis: citizens can decide to opt-out of these systems at any time on request. Owners lose another three points on the second offense. ","How the West Got China's Social Credit System Wrong","How China's Surveillance State Reflects 'Black Mirror,"How China Is Using Big Data to Create a Social Credit Score","China's new 500-megapixel 'super camera' can instantly recognize you in a crowd","Chinese city with world's heaviest surveillance has 2.5 million cameras","China has started ranking citizens with a creepy 'social credit' system — here's what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning ways they can punish you","China's social credit system has blocked people from taking 11 million flights and 4 million train trips","Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens","China's plan to organize its society relies on 'big data' to rate everyone","Garbage-sorting violators in China now risk being punished with a junk credit rating","How China's 'social credit' system blocked millions of people from travelling","China's social credit system spreads to more daily transactions","Social credit system will not stop people using public services, Beijing says","Court names and shames debtors in warm-up to Avengers movie","China could ban children from 'untrustworthy' families from schools under social credit system","A Chinese university suspended a student's enrolment because of his dad's bad social credit score","Opinion | The West may be wrong about China's social credit system","China's controversial social credit system isn't just about punishing people — here's what you can do to get rewards, from special discounts to better hotel rooms","Study: More than two thirds of Chinese take a positive view of social credit systems in their country","The West could be closer to China's system of 'social credit scoring' than you think","The Human Rights Implications of China's Social Credit System","China's social credit systems and public opinion: Explaining high levels of approval","Programming China: The Communist Party's autonomic approach to managing state security","Life Inside China's Social Credit Laboratory:The party's massive experiment in ranking and monitoring Chinese citizens has already started","Cashless Society, Cached Data Security Considerations for a Chinese Social Credit System","Debtors in China are placed on a blacklist that prohibits them from flying, buying train tickets, and staying at luxury hotels","China penalises 6.7m debtors with travel ban",China to bar people with bad 'social credit' from planes, trains,"Millions in China with bad 'social credit' barred from buying plane, train tickets","Wenzhou Selected as a Model City in Building a Social Credit System","The redlists are coming!