You will need to identify if the right platform based on the following considerations:Provides virtual conference landing pages for ease of sign-ups,Helps you monitor the number of participants who actually signed up through by providing unique participant links,Supports the number of your expected participants.Another important consideration when it comes to virtual event planning is if you will be having it live or pre-recorded. She also maintains a.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Learn best practices and how to improve your productivity.Advancements in technology have enabled us to accomplish various tasks more efficiently and with less hassle. Most of the time, companies host these virtual events to grow their brand following or to entice more people to buy their products or services. But to run successful virtual events, you need to know how to do the virtual event planning properly. 6. Even if it’s just a virtual event, considering that many people will be watching and spending time with you virtually, you need to make sure that you provide them with the event that they are expecting, and as much as possible, deliver it without any issues, technical or otherwise. To make sure that your event goes off without a hitch either way, see to it that everything is prepared according to your plans and that all of your event tools are checked, tested and ready to use.One of the virtual event planning best practices that you should follow is choosing a proper venue for your event. If necessary, set limits to the number of people who can attend, especially if you want to be able to entertain every question that they might present, in case that is a part of your agenda.Retaining the attention of your audience is a challenge that every event speaker or master of ceremony faces. Look into branding your video and tying up your company’s brand with your virtual event. Here are nine tips on how to plan an event successfully online. But to run successful virtual events, you need to know how to do the virtual event planning properly. Here are nine tips on how to plan an event successfully online.The difference between virtual and actual events is that, on virtual ones, you have less control of what your audience can do or focus on. In fact, nowadays, you can easily plan a virtual event anytime you need to schedule one. To get past this, they see to it that they stick only to the important topics so as to cut the amount of time to a reasonable length. Leverage our team of Kanban experts to guide you on the path of continuous improvement.You will receive our weekly Blog email that includes any new blogs for that week.All our blogs are about Kanban and provide short helpful insights to help you take full advantage of Kanban. This is why it’s important that you establish a clear and concrete reason as to why your audience should join you from the start until the end of your virtual conference. Have a clear business purpose for holding the event. With so many online video conference tools now available, you have a lot of options to check out. This also applies to virtual ones, but of course, to achieve this, you will need to prepare, not just the right tools, but also the right environment and mood for your audience. When doing trial runs, practice with a few audiences, which could be members of your team. Before you can begin planning a successful event, be clear on why you are doing it in the first place. These and other questions should be asked prior to employing an event planner, and will facilitate the process when you finally get started with the employment process. This way, you can also check if your virtual conference tools are all working properly.No matter what the purpose is of your virtual event, you should see to it that you are well-prepared for it.5 Tips to Starting a Business in COVID-19,7 Small Business Survival Tips During the Pandemic,Getting Stuff Done through Productive Procrastination and Kanban,Simplifying Task Prioritization with Eisenhower Matrix,Kanban Metrics to Track Performance (Throughput) and Responsiveness (Cycle Time),Doing Being and Flowing in Kanban (5P and 3M),Kanban and Lean Six Sigma: A Match Made in Project Management Heaven,Scrumban – Blending Agile, Scrum and Kanban into a methodology that works for you. If this is the case, professional branding is definitely essential.No experience when it comes to handling virtual events? You will become a Kanban master in no time!Christine Joy Leal is an experienced freelance writer and content manager, wife to a wonderful man and a mother to two smart and beautiful daughters. With the right tools and with a good internet connection, you can now handle business transactions, get tasks done, schedule meetings and even attend events online. Focus on what your audience wants or needs. They can choose to do a different task while your event is ongoing, or worse, lose interest and log out of your event. As a part of your virtual event planning, you should also see to it that you take into account the number of participants you can welcome to your event.