They stood the required distance away – as lepers had to do – but cried out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” The word they used for Master, Teacher, is one used by disciples. God is grace! Luke 17:11-19 Attitude of Gratitude. o�C|衇T3�sp���CI�k�;f��q�s�1��D�u��K$y!j40y!�DEp��X�d���݄H.�c�ޱBs�8@9�f*P�D���v �. Sermon Outlines Sermon Topics Preaching Tips Contributors Illustrations Family Sermons.

A peace that comes from God gives a clearer understanding of every situation we face in life. If i were hungry, I would not tell you, Written by John Gray What God wants of you is simply your thanksgiving for the great gifts God has given you. © 2014 - 2020 Sermons Online.

The people who make up the 1 percent are only the sharp point on this pyramid–the “fittest,” whose version of survival depends on their ability to dominate the 99 percent. Nothing can avail us but the gracious, loving God who will it is to heal and to save. Eliminates Worry. We are a people of unclean hearts and minds an lips, just as lepers were people of unclean bodies. Such a crude and horrible religion was not limited to American Indians. Are You Going Steady? Paul affirmed that indeed, happiness is a choice because he was in prison when he wrote the book of Philippians. We all fall short of God’s intention for us. Rekindles Happiness. Entitlement propels a selfish acquisitiveness. As Martin Luther said, “God does not need our work and has not commanded us to do anything for Him but to thanks and praise Him.” We CAN give thanks and praise God for so many gracious gifts to us.

(Psalm 50:10ff.). He boldly said, “be joyful always.”, Related: Lifestyle of the Committed Believers. When we consistently practice the habit of giving thanks, the feeling of being anxious is overpowered by the sense of gratefulness. x��}{�ŕp�3�! The Bible teaches the attitude of always giving thanks in all circumstances. Grace still comes to us in bread and wine at the table of the Lord. We hear of drug resistant bacteria which is a cause of concern. “Enough” does not serve the Darwinian drive of capitalism. It gets our eyes off ourselves, and helps us to … And have a good evening. They seemed to recognize in Jesus not only one who could perform miracles and had the power to heal them, but also one who would command their allegiance, There was no offer of payment, for they knew that Jesus, as the representative of God, would help them freely and without cost. A truthful, insightful response, and one that reveals a core problem in our First World culture. I used your sermon as validation that it could be done in an encouraging and positive manner. That sort of attitude is a grace in itself – a free gift for people in need. We are like that pastor. My brother’s coolness evaporated.

If we, the 99 percent, also practiced being consciously grateful, more scraps would fall from the rich man’s table; more corners of more grain fields would be left for the poor to glean; the systems which put a foot on the neck of people struggling in multi-generational poverty would begin to weaken, and jubilee might break out. Chemosh, the god of Moab, demanded beautiful maidens be sacrificed to him – and at times in the history of Israel, the Israelites themselves turned to such horrible gods and away from the true, living God. To worry, as well as to experience anxiety are natural feelings that every human being has, according to many psychologists. Ten lepers were healed but only one turned back to give thanks to God. The ten lepers approached Jesus as he was traveling through the countryside between Samaria and Galilee. Religion as a human invention always has notions that people can manipulate the deity by doing something, offering something, sacrificing something. 5 0 obj This week, I have had two people come to me worried about not getting their flu shot. Lord Beaverbrook, the press baron of the past century, was once asked by a journalist how much a man required to be considered wealthy.