History African history is a massive and intricate subject, world-s­haking events have shaped the continent’s history, from the early men and women who left their footsteps in volcanic ash to the liberation of Nelson Mandela, and a whole lot of wars, conquests, civilisations and revolutions in between. Known as the Bantu, their populations grew as they discovered iron-smelting technology and developed new agricultural techniques. Part of African reality long before the white man set foot there, slavery was the fate of criminals, the indebted and prisoners of war. Africa is the birthplace of humankind and knowing its history is essential for understanding the global society that's grown around it. The Lindbergh family was inundated by offers of assistance and false clues. Kennedy believed that the Peace Corps could provide a new and unique weapon in the war against communism.

Posts about Today in History, Africa written by euchariasblog. Today in Black History FOREWARD Parts of this file had been appearing weekly in the SOCIETY.AFRICAN.AMERICAN Newsgroup on Usenet. It wasnt until April 2 that the kidnappers gave instructions for dropping off the money. Walker, who was the first U.S. woman to … A celebrated British historian once said there was only the history of Europeans in Africa. The inward movement of European peoples and the southward migration of Bantu tribes supply the key to South African history and, write Edna and Frank Bradlow, to the problems that confront the country today.

This ancient Nubian empire reached its peak in the second millennium B.C., when it ruled over a vast swath of territory along the Nile River in what is now Sudan. Some academics estimate that had it not been for the slave trade, Africa’s mid-19th-century population would have been double its 25 million figure. People began to move southwest into the rainforests of Central Africa.

The Portuguese in West Africa, the Dutch in.Exact figures are impossible to establish, but from the end of the 15th century until around 1870, when the slave trade was abolished, up to 20 million Africans were enslaved. Africa is the oldest and most enduring landmass in the world. Yet with the exception of the markets along the Swahili coast (a 2, 900km stretch of Kenyan and Tanzanian coastline).© As early as the 7th century AD, the coastal areas of modern-day,There has always been slavery in Africa (slaves were often the by-products of intertribal warfare, and the Arabs and Shirazis who dominated the East African coast took slaves by the thousands), but it was only after Portuguese ships arrived off the African coast in the fifteenth century that slaving turned into an export industry. On this day in history, music, sport, film and television. Though often overshadowed by its Egyptian neighbors to the north, the Kingdom of Kush stood as a regional power in Africa for over a thousand years. Africa is a continent of many regions with diverse populations speaking hundreds of different languages and practicing an array of cultures and religions.These differences have also been the source of much conflict since a millennia. On this day in 1996, Anti-Aparthied Activist, Nelson Mandela stepped down as South African President.July 5 1986, Nancy Reagan cut a white, red and blue ribbon to reopen the statue of liberty after refurbishment.on this day in 1985, Mugabe’s Zimbabwe NHL Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party wins reelection in Zimbabwe for the second time.July 5 1951, William Shockley invents  the junction transistor ( Murray Hill, NJ).On this day in 1946, the British Golf opened St Andrews: Sam Snead beats Johnny Bulla and Bobby L by 4 strokes.June 17 1958, ”Things Fall Apart,” by Nigerian Writer and poet Chinua Achebe published by Heinemann was considered most widely read book in African Literature,On this day in 1988, Given’s Family reported Mike Tyson of beating his wife, Robin Given,On this day in Africa 1964,the Anti-aparthied activist and South African President, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment,on June 12 1942, Adolf Hitler orders enslavement of the Slavic people,On this day in 1963, “Cleopatra” directed by Joseph Mankiewicz and starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard premiers in New York City,June 1 1964, Kenya became a republic with Jomo Kenyatta as first president,On this day in 1980, CNN (Cable News Network) the world’s first 24- hour television network was launched.Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. During,In New York City on September 22, 1776, Nathan Hale, a Connecticut schoolteacher and captain in the Continental Army, is executed by the British for spying. Today, the original official version of the document is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.Shaka, founder of the Zulu Kingdom of southern Africa, is murdered by his two half-brothers, Dingane and Mhlangana, after Shaka’s mental illness threatened to destroy the Zulu tribe. One was killed,In an important victory for his Cold War foreign policy, President John F. Kennedy signs legislation establishing the Peace Corps as a permanent government agency. The Battle of Majuba Hill during the First Boer War, had immense political and military significance to British arms — and not only in South Africa. The show, which featured a group of relatively unknown actors, went on to become a huge hit and air for 10 seasons.

On this day in history, music, sport, film and television. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission.I want emails from Lonely Planet with travel and product information, promotions, advertisements, third-party offers, and surveys. Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. The Sunset Limited train travels from Los Angeles through Texas,Glenn Dunn is shot and killed outside a Buffalo supermarket by a man carrying a gun concealed in a paper bag. Its chi