They take on operations like counter-terrorism and covert reconnaissance and have received extensive training in both desert and mountain warfare preparing them for nearly every scenario that could arise out on the field during their mission.The strength of a nation depends heavily on the strength of its military which is why the extra effort is put into the training of men and women into human weapons who will guarantee victory in the advent of war, or simply maintain the peace during normal time.Countries are constantly researching ways in which they can train the men and women of their army to enhance their skills, while also putting their science and art department to work, researching new weapons and tech which would come in handy on the battlefield, which brought up this post on the best-trained armies in the world.War is not a situation that any nation prays for because at the end of the day, even the side that emerges as victor loses, but when the cards are down, it is objectively better to be the winner despite having some casualties, than having those casualties and losing at the same time. It is the dream of every side that the attributes that would be revealed during battle would be regarded as strengths and work in their favor, rather than as weaknesses and work against them.There are other well trained and well-equipped armies in the world and they are adept at performing various occasionally secretive missions that ensure the economic, political and military standing of their various nations are not threatened in any way. General Edwin Rozłubirski proposed the establishment of this unit as a means of fighting against terrorism. These units handle raids, underwater engagements and above water engagements respectively. Before one is eligible to apply for a spot in one of these units, one needs to have served in the army for at least three years.Among the best-trained armies in the world, The Delta Force, this secret unit of the army gained popularity due to a movie starring Chuck Norris that was released in 1986. Both the Yorkshire Regiment and the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, which recently had members killed in Afghanistan, and The Rifles, are also thought to be vulnerable.There is also a growing view within the Army that the Gurkhas should be axed before “any British regiments go to the wall” .All infantry regiments will discover their fate in the coming weeks. There are 3 units which make up the Shayetet 13. Oh no, I’m reliably informed it is based on Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry… Maybe they just really liked Star Trek?The Armoured Farmers – 3rd Battalion Royal Tank Regiment, simply because they were raised from the West Country where people “can’t read or write, but that don’t really matter, ‘cos [they] come from the West Country and [they] can drive a tra’or.”.Really Large Corps – The Royal Logistics Corps. They take out the potential threats and enter a field that is feared … Top 5 Regiment in Indian Army 1. Other ranks are the enlisted soldiers of the army. In the best trained army category, New Zealand would be up there. What Boris Johnson’s update means for employers and staff,Brexit: Queues in Kent could be 7,000 trucks long and last days, Michael Gove says in leaked no-deal plan. Officers are at the top of the hierarchy. Americans are probably among the least economical with their personell and least courageous or ferocious. Britain – S RANGERS: The permanent presence of this army started in the 1970s.

I just hope they hit enemy aircraft as often as they apparently did the clouds, I hate the British weather as much as anyone, but does it deserve a 40mm Bofors shell? There are two distinct tiers within the British Army’s rank structure - officers and other ranks. We have seen action in most major deployments since WWII. By creating an account you agree to us emailing you with newsletters and discounts, which you can switch off in your account at any time.So a couple of weeks back we poked some fun at the sailors for some of the frankly ridiculous names that their ships were called, HMS Cockchafer still makes me laugh… Well I can’t let the other services get away with it, even if I’m in one of them, so it is the turn of the British Army today. When the Army was deployed to Helmand in 2006 only a third of the 3,150 troops were infantry — the rest were combat support troops and engineers.Among those facing steep reductions in numbers are the Corps of Royal Engineers, Royal Logistic Corps, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and the Royal Artillery.Military planners say the reductions were forced on them because of David Cameron’s promise that “no infantry cap badges should be lost” when the Army is cut from 100,000 troops to 82,000 by 2020.Defence sources say the ruling was imposed because the Government did not want to be subjected to the same “rearguard’ action that befell the Labour government in 2004 when it attempted to axe famous regiments, including the Black Watch and the Green Howards.As part of the restructuring — known as Future Force 2020 — the number of infantry battalions will reduce from 36 to 25. The Green Berets are trained to carry out sabotage, subversion, and Guerrilla War. Britain's most famous regiments spared in defence cuts. im sure this is going to cause massive debate but if anyone with a broad overview could help me it would be appreciated. The Special Services Group (SSG) is a special operations force of the Pakistan Army. This army is especially known and respected for their ability to remain undetected while carrying out their missions. we have over 50 men killed and hundreds injured in Iraq and Afghanistan alone. Don’t worry guys you’re called England’s Northern Cavalry now, much better!As per, this is just a bit of fun and no offence intended, but really the Wessex Yeomanry are the best! If you have any further suggestions please share them in the comments!This site uses cookies. Probably not!Rats After Mouldy Cheese – A very simple back-acronym for the Royal Army Medical Corps suggestive of the conditions of the First World War when they really came into their own.Rob All My Comrades – Another back-acronym for the Royal Army Medical Corps coming from the belief that personal items would often go missing from wounded personnel attended to by RAMC medics.