They also seem to be as trainable as cats and dogs, and have become a favorite pet around the world. And to know about more such animals, read this list of top 10 most intelligent animal species in the world. They can also identify themselves in a mirror, be taught to perform a sequence of movements and to discriminate subtle differences between two objects – pretty impressive for a mere pest.

It has an extremely large brain and its cerebral cortex and frontal lobe are 40% bigger then a human. Crossing the street against traffic may be called “jay-walking,” but jays and other members of the crow family understand better than some humans the importance of waiting for the light to change. Top 10 Smartest Animals in the world.

Smartest Animals – Humans are the most intelligent creature on the earth.But there are many creatures that are wiser and smartest to amaze anyone. We are aware of ourselves and are conscious of others’ presence, thoughts, and feelings.

Your email address will not be published. 10Elephants: This animal is distinguished with its loyalty for its owners that they might die after the death of its owners. Both domestic and wild species are known for their ability to adapt to a variety of different ecological conditions.

They can hunt collectively, make and use tools, and solve advanced problems. Humans and chimpanzees are similar in remarkable ways, sharing about 99% of DNA. But some animals actually possess intelligence that leaves mankind amazed.

6Pigeons: Top 10 Most Popular Interior Design Jobs and Their Salaries. Each dolphin develops a unique vocal whistle early in life, which gives it individuality.

They have a strong culture and system of communication, and many have been observed to use tools in the wild. Top 10; Animals; Smartest Animals; Top 10 Most Intelligent Animals. No. Apes are considered the smartest animals after humans, and among them, orangutans stand out as especially gifted in intellectual capacity. In our countdown of smartest animals is the rat, a highly intelligent yet much-maligned animal in Western cultures. Some people think that human only has the intelligence and the ability to solve problems and other creatures don’t have, but in fact there are many species of animals which have some skills that are very relative to the human that points to their different abilities to proceed with some tasks.

Top 10 Smartest Animals in the world : No. As a matter of fact, we have plenty of company, and who else is on the list might take you by surprise.

Schools of dolphins can be observed in the world’s oceans surfing, racing, leaping, spinning, whistling and otherwise enjoying themselves. Orangutans have also been observed to use tools in the wild. Top Rated Article: Top 10 Most Expensive Animals In The World. We, humans, are capable of learning, reasoning, and solving problems.

Published January 3, 2018. They also maintain complex social groups, where they form strong bonds and have an elaborate hierarchical structure.

Of course, humans are biased in this regard, but the intellectual capacity of the great apes is difficult to deny.

In fact, they are the only animals apart from humans and rhesus monkeys with the ability.

Some of the animals are specialized to do things that human being can’t begin to ever think. A crow’s brain is almost the size of a human thumb, which is huge in relation to its body size. This allows them to call each other by mimicking the whistle of a dolphin they would like to communicate with.

10 – Rat.

They are some of the smartest animals on our planet: 10. And to know about more such animals, read this list of top 10 most intelligent animal species in the world. They are the first species to get closer to human beings. Contrary to popular perception, elephants are more than just lumbering giants with big ears and a good memory. If so Give us a Like and Share… , Your email address will not be published. Despite a reputation for gluttony and poor hygiene, pigs are actually highly intelligent animals.

We will consider many factors like IQ, memory & social behavior.

Top 10 Smartest Animals in the world.

These mammals are quite elegant, cultured, and curious.

Unlike the computational and mathematical skill, these animals excel in … We are creative, make tools, and practice the art of deception. They live in scattered communities and form social bonds, which are key to their advanced cognitive skills.

Pigs love to play, can learn how to move an on-screen cursor and operate a joystick, and find hidden food using a mirror. India Today Web Desk New Delhi June 28, 2016 UPDATED: June 29, 2016 13:30 IST. Pigs are actually smarter than dogs you can just look at the top 10 smartest animals there you go 9 Elephant Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea.

Raccoons possess dexterous hands and thumbs that allow them to utilize tools and solve problems. However, this ubiquitous bird is actually quite smart.

We are aware of ourselves and are conscious of others’ presence, thoughts, and feelings. Two species are traditionally recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant, although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species. Hope you will get some new information about these animals. They may also pretend to hide food in order to confuse potential thieves, which researchers believe shows an advanced level of cunning and intellect. How Will BetterHelp Help in Your Mindfulness Training?

Perhaps the chimpanzee’s most fascinating feature is the ability to combine symbols of objects in a sequence to convey a complex idea. But in case you haven’t heard, man isn’t the only intelligent being on the planet.