The rub is that the majority of “experts” unthinkingly and habitually mouth its validity until they ensure that it becomes static, unchanging, and immune from reexamination and dissent — an intolerant religious orthodoxy that finally ...Kat Timpf explains why a 16-year-old Maryland girl shouldn't be charged with child-porn distribution after making a video of herself.Harry Reid’s decision to use the “nuclear option” and change Senate rules to push through Barack Obama’s nominees for district and appellate-court positions has been rightly mocked as one of the more glaring political blunders of the past two decades. Trafalgar Group founder Robert Cahaly told The Kyle Olson Show his company recently showed Joe Biden winning Michigan by one point.“I could look in those undecideds, and those third-party and tell you I believe those people will vote for Trump,” he said. A Fox News survey released Thursday found Biden ahead there by 9 points. This is how she got it back.Astrophysicist discusses possibility of life on Venus. According to Cahaly, the firm's polls last one to two minutes and are designed to quickly get opinions from those who would not typically participate in political polls.The firm has also pioneered methods to deal with what they describe as “Social Desirability Bias” in order to get at what a poll participant’s true feelings are in situations where they believe some individuals in a poll are not likely to reveal their actual preferences. The polls in battleground states are getting worse for.States that did not begin the cycle as competitive — Iowa and Ohio — are suddenly too close for comfort for Republicans. LESSON OF TRAFALGAR. Please disable your adblocking software or whitelist our website.Trafalgar Group Founder Robert Cahaly: Trump on ‘Upswing,’ Supporters Cannot Wait to Vote,Virtue Signaling NBA Star Gets Owned After Making Outrageous Statement,Democrats Frantic After GOP Supreme Court Nominee Revealed,Trump’s Latest Order May Put An End To Nationwide Riots,Ohio Strips Planned Parenthood From Budget, Set To Boost Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Funding,After Iran Taunts U.S. Military, Trump Gives Green-Light,Political Bias Confirmed–Whistleblower Linked to 2020 Candidate. According to The Hill, "...the Trafalgar group weights its polls to account for “social desirability bias,” or the so-called shy Trump voters who are embarrassed to tell pollsters that they support the president." The deal would look something like this: In the Senate, which Republicans control 53-47, at least four GOP senators would refuse to confirm a new Supreme Court justice before the election, ...Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) claimed Monday that Republicans have “no right” to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the recent death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ahead of the November election, and said doing so would “spell the end” of the Senate. Trafalgar Group is a polling organization that suspected all Trump supporters weren’t willing to be honest with pollsters in 2016 about whether they supported Trump. In a New York Times piece, Adam Liptak and Sheryl Stolberg write that Senate Republicans’ decision not to confirm Garland in 2016 — after the death of conservative mainstay Antonin Scalia -- to a lifetime appointment on ...The problem with conventional wisdom is not that it is always wrong. Trafalgar Group publishes polls conducted by phone concerning races for federal office. Trump won all six in 2016.There is almost no path to victory for Trump if he loses Florida. Trafalgar Group founder Robert Cahaly told The Kyle Olson Show his company recently showed Joe Biden winning Michigan by one point. President Donald Trump is leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the state of Florida, according to a poll by the Trafalgar Group.. But Biden leads by healthy margins on the important issues of the day — race relations and the coronavirus.Trump won Iowa by 9 points in 2016. The Fox News poll found Trump leading Biden by 11 points on the economy. Trafalgar showed Trump ahead by one point (the only poll showing.Get our conservative analysis delivered right to you. “We had him down by one, but I believe Trump will win Michigan as of the last poll we did.”.Cahaly said there has been a “wave pattern” in recent polling trending for Trump, then away, and now towards him again.He said as the virus went on Trump slid, then George Floyd was killed and Trump slid further.But then the riots occurred, statues were torn down, and leftists called for defunding the police. Trump’s standing began to improve, especially after his strong pro-America July 4th event.“That was the first time I would have told you he could have broken 300 electoral votes,” Cahaly said.He said that was why the media shifted its focus from the protests and back to coronavirus.Cahaly said the polling has done a “down, up, down, and now it’s back trending in a positive way for Trump,” and that he’s on an “upswing.”.Cahaly said it is difficult to poll recent elections because the “social desirability bias” is real, that is, an interviewee wanting a pollster to like the answer they are giving. The poll, conducted from September 1-3 and released on Friday, showed Trump winning support from 48.7 percent of likely voters.The Georgia-based polling firm weights its surveys for “social desirability bias,” taking into account the idea that some Trump voters are afraid to be honest with pollsters.