Then select Freya twice which should cause her character portrait to move slightly to the left side of the screen (indicating that she is in the front row). The South Gate can be found on the east side of the map, across the river, and just north of the Chocobo’s Forest. Use the Gizamaluke Bell on the door to the right and enter to find yourself in a room with the Moogle couple. Gizamaluke's Grotto Master Gizamaluke often uses a physical attack called Crash or a magic attack called Water. You’ll be prompted to name Quina who will then join your party after a brief interlude involving Quina’s master. The treasure chest is located in the grassy area near the shore not far from the Chocobo Tracks. Each attack targets a single player, with Water doing a lot of damage. The Eat command can be used on any enemy after their HP drops below 25%. Once under the Vanish status effect, a party member’s physical attacks will always hit, physical attacks against them will miss. It has more than 3000 HP, but just keep attacking hard, and it will eventually go down. Quina can eat this enemy to learn the Blue Magic Limit Glove which is extremely helpful later. Mogmi will ask for your Kupo Nut to entice her husband to break free from the Large Bell. Go over and speak to the little blue/green fellow on the left side of the screen and then speak to the Part-time Worker Mary to get her to move out of the way. Use the screenshot below and the map provided to help you find it. bell on the right door. As for Vivi, have him use Thunder and if the boss' Silence counterattack connects then just pop an Echo Screen and continue spamming Thunder. •Key Items The Lamia teaches LV3 Def-less; the Skeleton teaches Pumpkin Head; and the Hornet teaches Vanish. The Cook command works on any enemy after their HP drops below 50% and works exactly the same way as Eat. You can also visit marshes to let Quina catch frogs as part of his training. . The descriptions below include information about where to find each of Quina’s Blu Mag abilities. Now that you are ready walk around until you encounter a Grand Dragon. Enter the marsh and follow the bridge northward. It contains a new ability for your Chocobo: “Reef Ability” which will allow your Chocobo to enter shallow water. The most important skill to obtain is Mighty Guard as it can be extremely helpful during the tougher boss battles in the game. •Items . They will run off into one of the rooms afterward. try to climb the vine at the back of the cavern, they will warn you of Speak to Mogmi and you can save your game and use a Tent to refill your party member’s HP and MP. Start off by grabbing the treasure chest on the left side of the screen towards the camera. There is also a chance it will fully cure it, so it is best used as soon as the battle starts. The path then takes you underneath the bridge where you can collect a Magus Hat. the room and use the bell on the door at Deals Wind-based damage to all targets according to the following formula: 55 * (a number between 1 and Quina’s level and Quina’s magic stat). •Add-ons Don't forget to also have a character equipped with the Coral Ring so that he/she can absorb thundaga. To do this, use a Tent on Gizamaluke at the start of the battle. - “Kweh? There is a hidden chest along the back wall as you approach the top of the stairs that contains Mythril Gloves. Use the map and screenshot below to help you find it. Make sure you have plenty of Echo Screens. Press Button near Choco or press Button while riding him and choose to “Take a look at the Chocograph”. Check out the Chocobo Hot & Cold side quest section for more information. Deals damage equal to 25% of each enemy’s HP and has a 50% chance of success. walk to the right and speak with the wounded Burmecian soldier, who If Quina is in the party, s/he can use Mighty Guard, which can be learned from the enemies outside Gizamaluke's Grotto (such as the Serpion). Make sure you take some time to equip Steiner and Dagger with some have decent armor and weapons for some upcoming fights. Don’t forget to select the Mognet option to give the letter from Moodon to Mogmi. You can also now obtain Chocograph #10: Bird’s-Eye Lagoon if you travel back through Gizamaluke’s Grotto but that is not recommended that at this point. There is a chance it will inflict Silence and Blind. There is a hidden treasure chest behind the wall of the cave that contains a Bronze Vest. Quina is capable of learning a number of Blue Magic spells that can be used in battle by selecting the “Blu Mag” command in battle.