The striped dolphin (aka the blue-white dolphin) can be found swimming throughout all of the worlds warm to tropical oceans.. You can unsubscribe at any time.

This keeps more fish species healthy and alive to reproduce. What type of animals do striped dolphins eat? At night, spinner dolphins travel to deeper water to eat.

There are at least 2 million striped dolphins around the world.These dolphins tend to live in temperate and tropical off-shore waters around the world.The striped dolphins eat squid, krill, octopus, small pelagic fish, other crustaceans and cephalopods.They tend to move around in schools (group name) of 500 to 1000 or even more.Other Names: Blue-white dolphin, Streaker porpoise, Meyen’s dolphin,Cookie Cutter Shark Facts for Kids – Cookie Cutter Shark Interesting Facts,Greenland Shark Facts for Kids – Greenland Shark Interesting Facts & Information,Megalodon Shark Facts for Kids – Megalodon Shark Facts and Information,Tasmanian Devil Facts for Kids – Fun Facts & Information,Wedge Tailed Eagle Facts for Kids – Australian Wedge Tailed Eagle Facts,Harpy Eagle Facts for Kids – Harpy Eagle Fun Facts,Bottlenose Dolphin Facts for Kids – Bottlenose Dolphin Fun Facts,Amazon Pink River Dolphin Facts – Pink River Dolphin Fun Facts. What is one of their names? Spinner Dolphins. Some sharks (including tiger sharks, dusky sharks and bull sharks) and orcas will prey upon dolphins. And the people in some countries like to eat dolphins. When faced by a predator, dolphins often circle, head butt or use their tails to hit the other animal in self defense. These dolphins tend to live in temperate and tropical off-shore waters around the world. The Striped Dolphin, can vary by region and be influenced by available food sources. Sharks and accidental fishing net entanglement can be to blame on some occasions.Short-Term & Long-Term Effects of Chemical Pollution.What Factors Affect the Carrying Capacity of an Environment?Effect of Human Activities on the Environment,How Rates of Erosion Are Increased by Human Activities,The Institute of Marine Mammal Studies: Dolphin Frequently Asked Questions,Sarasota Dolphin Research Program: Historical Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery of Sarasota Bay Recorded in Bottlenose Dolphin Stable Isotopes,Dolphin World: How Are Dolphins Important to the Ecosystem,The Encyclopedia of Earth: Common Bottlenose Dolphin,NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center: Trophic Ecology Studies.Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals: The Year of the Dolphin! The Effects of Ocean Pollution on Marine Mammals,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs),Queensland Health: Naturally Occuring Seafood Toxins.How Are Indicator Species Used to Assess Pollution Levels in the Environment?Jobs for a Bachelors Degree in Agriculture,The Effects of Pollution on the Growth & Respiration of Mold.How Does Pollution Affect Animal Food Webs?How Does Water Pollution Affect a Plant's Life Cycle?Classes One Should Take in College to Become a Wildlife Biologist. The Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is an oceanic dolphin. Striped Dolphin Predators. But usually, dolphins swim too fast for sharks to catch them, so a shark would have to be very quick and very sneaky to get itself a dolphin dinner. This keeps more fish species healthy and alive to reproduce. Ecologists can study the stomach contents of dolphins to see what specific fish they eat and estimate how much they are consuming of the fish population. A calf is born in summer or fall.The striped dolphins are widely distributed across the South and North Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean. Striped dolphins are extremely active and fast and spend a lot of time at the surface. (not including striped dolphin) 3. By eating these fish, the dolphins rid the water of these sick fish, helping to cut down on infectious disease among fish populations. For instance, if a dolphin is found with a harpoon puncture, this would point to foul play. That's why they can eat up to 30 pounds in a single day!