Every form of addiction is bad, no matter,29. | Without a correlative, used to introduce a simple indirect question.After the paragraph has been written, examine it to see,Not hearing the sounds he expected to hear, he felt uncertain,If you were in the woods, surrounded by trees, how would you know.This then is the question which we intend to examine:The most anxious suspense was legible in the faces of all present: they did not know.And he is not the man to break the word he has once given,The poor peasantry rejoiced at getting off so cheaply, and hastened to pay the tax without first asking me,I looked around the room on other pictures, either to,Now, suppose all this to be admitted, let us consider,It was the arm-chair which fell with such an appalling crash, and,Mendelssohn was his friend from boyhood, and aided him greatly with his suggestions, though it is doubtful,The other fellow loafs about the house as if there had been nothing, and Cloete begins to doubt.It is not, indeed, to be dissembled, that it were a difficulty to determine,The ordinary member of a mess simply eats what is put before him, notes,The little old lady had vanished, and, but for the hyacinth, Ida would almost have doubted,Such is the destiny of man; and upon himself, under God, it depends,Every such person should first ask himself,I could not help looking at the little one to see,Interstate in a sentence | Short example sentence for interstate,Exist in a sentence | Short example sentence for exist,Obviate in a sentence | Short example sentence for obviate,Still Others in a sentence | Short example sentence for still others,Grassy in a sentence | Short example sentence for grassy,Reminiscent in a sentence | Short example sentence for reminiscent,Presidency in a sentence | Short example sentence for presidency,Correspondence in a sentence | Short example sentence for correspondence,Ell in a sentence | Short example sentence for ell,Brazen in a sentence | Short example sentence for brazen,Because in a sentence | Short example sentence for because,Would in a sentence | Short example sentence for would,That in a sentence | Short example sentence for that,Could in a sentence | Short example sentence for could,Question in a sentence | Short example sentence for question,Should in a sentence | Short example sentence for should,Not in a sentence | Short example sentence for not,Might in a sentence | Short example sentence for might,Any in a sentence | Short example sentence for any,If in a sentence | Short example sentence for if.

See whether the circulate of the subtrahend is greater than that of the minuend or not. 2214321 I wonder whether Tom likes Mary. How to use whether in a sentence. whether example sentences. When converting a question that starts with the auxiliary verb into noun clause, “whether” or “if” is put in front of the noun clause, and the question sentence is converted into a straight sentence. The administration has no vested interest in proving,28. In this lesson, we will give information about the use of the “whether” pattern in daily life.These patterns need to be memorized and repeated.

: I wonder whether amari are all they're cracked up to be in terms of eupepsia. Catherine hesitated, debating,21. I can't decide whether to go to the library or stay home. " CK 1 2948216 I wonder whether you understand. (Conditional).I don’t know whether Jesica will come to the cinema with me or not.Bilica would support him whether she were (was) right or not. (conditional: In the sentence to which “whether” is linked, future tense is not used.

You are going to school whether you like it or not. " The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about,30. I sometimes wonder whether the greater rule of all is --- Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. 3. The telephone rang. The problem is whether my parents will agree or not. I asked him very modestly whether they were mine. i don't know whether he will come by train or by car. (Conditional).I don’t know whether Jesica was right or not.The result will be the same whether they attend tomorrow’s meeting or not.
Whether he comes or not, we'll begin the party on time. Call Squiggly whether or not you are going to arrive on Friday means Aardvark needs to call either way. The second sentence is not conditional. 190+87 sentence examples: 1. (obsolete) Introducing a direct interrogative question (often with correlative or) which indicates doubt between alternatives. Employers usually decide within five minutes.Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. 3. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " I need to decide whether I'm going to college or not. "