So if the thought of challenging work on a daily basis gets you down, this may be a tick for the cons column.On the flip side, if testing your limits sounds like your cup of tea, a bright future may well be awaiting you in the event management industry!While this sounds like the cherry on top to some, we know there are those of you who love to be in bed by 9pm, and that’s the thing about event management – your office hours are typically your clients’ after hours.That’s not to say you won’t be running around 9 to 5 either, but if attending the functions you’ve orchestrated sounds more like a punishment than a privilege, you may not be cut out for work in the event management industry.If you’ve a head for business coupled with a love of all things admin-related, becoming a corporate events manager could be right up your alley!Corporate event planners and managers could be employed either in-house, and employed as part of the HR and/or marketing teams, or you could work freelance or for an event management company and plan events for a variety of corporations, perhaps even simultaneously, on an ad hoc basis.Corporate events can include everything from conventions and product launches to brand activation events and year-end functions.Corporate events can be private events, such as board of directors luncheons and team-building events, or they could be public events, such as product launches or public seminars.Going into corporate event management can be financially rewarding, especially if you are employed as part of the company’s HR or marketing team, although the relationship you will build with your client(s) is not  necessarily particularly personal, such as the one you may form with, for example, a client for whom you are coordinating a wedding.If you value one-on-one interaction and connection with your clients, specializing in corporate event management, where you will likely report back to a team and not only to one person, and will have to take the disembodied company’s preferences and/or corporate culture into account while planning, may not be a good fit.However, if you derive job satisfaction from the final product more so than the process, you may find the ability to plan multiple high-budget events at once and see them have a real impact on the company’s bottom line and profitability very rewarding regardless of whether or not the planning process was impersonal.Planning corporate events as a staff member of the HR or marketing teams also means you may find yourself with more resources at your disposal than if you were working freelance and completing the same job.The ability to delegate to an in-house team who are already briefed on the same event can save you time and the company money.Non-profit events require of event managers to have a head for numbers, because, at the end of the day, the company hosting the event is not trying to make a profit for themselves, but the goal of non-profit events remain to raise awareness and funds for their chosen cause.As the event manager you will need to ensure that the costs incurred in the planning and execution of the event are not likely to exceed the donations and contributions that the event is going to bring in.The event also typically needs to make an emotional impact on attendees in order to prime them to part with their time and/or money in order to support your event’s cause.Organizing non-profit events also typically means coordinating and managing volunteers as opposed to hired staff in order to keep costs low and involve supporters of the cause who are unable to contribute financially but would prefer to donate their time.This may mean more micro-management of tasks and less delegating as you may not have access to service providers or staff that you would typically contract for a large-scale event such as, for example, hiring professional servers or advertising agencies.Doing everything in-house in order to keep costs low may be a particularly challenging aspect of the job to some, especially if your primary talents do not lie in budgeting and cost management.Hotel and restaurant event coordinators are typically in-house event managers employed by the venue, i.e.
Other companies might offer enhanced pay for graduates coming into the profession with a relevant degree, M.A qualifications and commensurate experience, or the degree equivalent of these.Don’t miss our Open Evening coming up on Wednesday 21st August.The UK’s leading event training provider and the only event management courses accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.The Event Academy is the trading name of Ashdown Academy Ltd.Receive the latest updates and insights in the Events industry by signing up to our newsletter.Events could be the fresh start you're looking for,Corporate hospitality, entertainment and team-building.Managing event budgets, including researching and negotiating costs.Drawing up schedules and deadlines for events and preparatory actions.Operational management and support, across the organisation of personnel such as security teams, travel and ticketing personnel, waiting staff, equipment crews and hospitality staff.Undertaking health, safety and risk management tasks.Keeping in contact with clients, venues and other service providers for each event.Problem-solving and contingency planning – because problems, complaints, issues and restrictions will arise, it’s the event manager’s job to ensure that these are dealt with effectively and efficiently, to company standards and to client satisfaction.Marketing and sales of inspirational services and processes through publicity, promotional activities and networking.Event administrators – £18,000 per annum approximately.Event co-ordinators – £20,000 per annum approximately.Event and Sales managers – up to £35,000 per annum approximately. Also, mention your interest in breaking into the industry yourself in the future and start collecting business cards!Often an internship naturally births a more intimate mentorship so internships are a great place to start, but either way, finding a professional event manager willing to take you under their wing and show you the ropes is a sure-fire way to ensure your future success in the industry.These industry professionals have seen it all and lived to tell the tale, and their experience will be invaluable to you going forward.They say a smart man learns from his own mistakes, but an intelligent man learns from the mistakes of others.Be an intelligent man, listen and learn from the mistakes of those who have gone before you and make sure that you avoid making the same rookie mistakes they may have made when they were breaking into the industry.Just like with fashion, staying on trend and up to date with the latest fads is fundamental to your success in the event management industry.Subscribe to related magazines like interior design magazines, bridal magazines and the like to stay in touch with the latest trends. One of the pros of this particular kind of steady employment is the associated steady income.Working for a hotel or restaurant for a fixed salary means your clients come to you and you have financial security during any off-season. Another reality of hotel and restaurant event coordination that could be an up or a downside depending on your preferences, is that while no two events will be identical, your canvas never changes.You will always be planning events against the same backdrop of the hotel or restaurant at which you are employed.The kinds of venues that keep event managers on staff also typically tend to attract the same kinds of guests, so you will likely be planning the same kinds of events year-round.Think being hired as the event manager at a wine farm: odds are you will typically be planning and coordinating weddings, anniversaries and the like. Don’t embarrass yourself by being completely out of touch with the industry you’re hoping to break into.Nothing will kill your career faster than pitching a terrible, out of date and out of touch event/theme/idea to a potential client.Find your niche and flog that horse till it stops making money.If you have a knack for planning offbeat weddings, or if you have the country’s only connection for vodka-flavoured ice-sculptures that don’t melt at thirty degrees celsius, sell to your strengths and make sure you’re the go-to event manager for that particular thing that makes you stand out.You won’t always be the best at everything, but you can definitely be the best at something, and that something should be your biggest selling point.
Event management covers several roles of various levels of client involvement and event organisation and project management. I truly liked this post. Depending on the role and level of involvement, the daily work of an events manager can include such tasks as:The actual role of event manager which could include any of these tasks as part of managing the services for a client, from the inception and idea for an event to the logistical planning, researching, resourcing and ensuring safe delivery of the event itself. When I want an easy way to plan and organize my events I use the website.I enjoy this blog post and can actually relate to it!