(50-11) most popular foods in the world. Beer. But they're also well-preserved recipes from our immigrant past, and absolutely worth the bellyache you get after finishing a whole behemoth.Country-fried steak is a plate full of American frugality -- a cheap cut of meat, turned into a full, tasty meal thanks to spiced breading. 50 most famous traditional Indian dishes and local products, with authentic recipes and the best authentic restaurants with Asian. These partnerships and more are coming to a shelf near you in 2020, according to Food Business News.First time trying this fermented drink? But that tiny one-serving cup was never enough. Check. Scallops Provencal. America may be the birthplace of the airplane and the printing press, but you know what else we have? But since the thick, creamy soup is only appealing in the Winter months, it couldn’t snag a higher spot.HEY MA! a dish whose alternative name is roadkill soup.It’s a steaming bowl of a reptile that’d totally kill you. Tomatoes, onions, peanuts, lemongrass, plus more uncommon foods like sorghum, fonio, teff, and millet will be on more menus and in more groceries.Sweet potatoes get their name from their natural taste—and that sweet starch can be turned into a syrup! 3.9 (29) shutterstock. If it’s made from an old family recipe or just cooked by your granny, all the better. Must-try food, the ultimate bucket list for your food travel to India. Points subtracted for cramps.America is damn near perfect in the Fall -- apple trees, red leaves, HAYRIDES! Do you dart your head at it like a snake after its prey to keep everything from sliding off the end before it gets to your mouth? All cliches aside, apple pie actually is American -- the pilgrims were real-big fans. According to the Whole Foods Marketing team, upgrades are coming—including more adventurous foods that combine some of the previously listed trends like alternative flours (in the form of pasta) and sustainably caught fish.Be a kid again and take a trip down memory lane!Expect the aisles at your local convenience stores to get a makeover, says,People want to know where their food is coming from, and with whole ingredients in snacks like beans, cauliflower, and other vegetables, consumers will be more likely to pick them up. This would be dangerously higher if we could find it in more places.There are few things more American than this.America’s original veggie is still just as delicious. We love it all: white bean chili, Turkey chili, bean chili, all-beef Texas chili.Like New York or Chicago pizza, this is a prized, touted, cheesy, meaty food that locals will claim you can only get.Never has a bowl of soup been so rooted in tradition while having so many drastic variations. It’d be ranked higher if our dry cleaning bills weren’t so long thanks to olive salad drippings.They taught you how to spell with their commercials! Also, giving bull balls a different name is just a good way to approach marketing, which is very American in and of itself.Preparedness is important and we, for one, are thankful Hostess is still pumping cream into yellow cakes in case Cold War Dos strikes and a well-stocked shelter filled with things providing no nutritional benefits, but lots of empty calories are needed.We like this Alaskan specialty, because sausage, but we’re also very pro-Rudolph, so this is a conflict. Duh. The Texas "chicken-fried" variant takes the already delicious dish and makes it bigger and better, like they do in that state, by deep-frying it and then covering it in just the right amount of peppery gravy to sop up at a cafe somewhere in cattle-country.When done right, fried chicken combines brown bags (we stand on the shoulders of the gents who brought brown bag lunches. When.To find some of 2020's newest trendy foods, you will have luck looking in the refrigerated section of your grocery or convenience store because they come off as healthier.Photogenic foods have become popular with the rise in social media, and that won't change in the new year, says Food Business News. And together they become the dynamic starring duo of our snacking lives while we watch that movie where Queen Latifah drives a cab with Jimmy Fallon.They’re damn delicious, but no one knows how to cook them above the Mason-Dixon. Flaky, salty buttermilk biscuits are even better, even if they’re just sandwiching butter.All cliches aside, apple pie actually is American -- the pilgrims were real-big fans. The Washington Post believes this trend is one that will see popularity in 2020. This year has been filled with new Oreo flavors and hard seltzers, more food delivery apps, plenty of vegetarian meat alternatives, and more. Wait, no. That means meals booked through experience sites like Airbnb, The Dinner Party, OpenTable, and more that offer unique adventures won't be only for those who can afford their own,Technomic predicts that the next wave of vending machines, kiosks, and pop-up stores will grow. Plus, see,Almond flour and coconut flour are out, banana flour and cauliflower flour are in! Huge milkshakes, elaborate drinks, and other exciting foods are totally shareable on,Need a caption idea for that photo? They believe classic cocktail options of these will still be available, but without the buzz for those not drinking or who want a buzz-free alternative. Pilaf is a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine, a dish made with rice, cracked wheat, couscous, or bulgur. They said that in a movie we liked in America.Since we dumped all that pricey tea in the Boston Harbor, we set about improving on British specialties, and there are few better ways to recover from a humid, deep-South day than with cold sweet tea with extra sugar and a squeeze of lemon. Con: You’re totally wondering if there’s any way you’re about to die from this.This is American innovation once again realizing that if you deep-fry something, it becomes infinitely more appealing. Nostalgia. Get ready to see,Companies will keep riding the success oat milk has already had.