Alternatively, if you want to read the news in Afrikaans or talk to online friends, prioritize reading and writing.How much spare time do you have? Learn Afrikaans. On the other hand, if you would like a more advanced approach, our tutors will be there to make your every wish come true and will adapt the classes according to them. First, play the,Other Germanic language sections with several language acquisition games and native audio on Digital Dialects include. Included are basic grammar lessons, simple words and phrases in the Afrikaans language as well as links to resources and further information about Afrikaans. Connect with fellow learners and practice any language.Humans are the key to unlock success in learning Afrikaans. You will benefit from drilling “r” and “g” pronunciation, however, along with diphthongs. Do you find it hard to cope with all of those rules, verbs, and conjugations? Perhaps you’re ready to try content that’s not just designed for language learners.The award-winning South African soap opera 7de Laan is also popular among Afrikaans-learners. All the of the information on this site is free. AfrikaansPod101 is hands-down the most extensive program for learning Afrikaans. Books in Afrikaans. With its relatively easy grammar and pronunciation, you’ll quickly be able to express yourself in conversation. You’ll probably want to focus on speaking and listening. No need to worry because we are here to help you with everything. For absolute beginner Afrikaans language students and young kids first learning the ABC. Our tutors are also very responsive to your needs and are highly qualified. We recruit and train the best Afrikaans tutors from around the world. And if you’re planning to travel to South Africa or have an interest in its history, understanding Afrikaans will give you extra insight into the culture.Just over 7 million people speak Afrikaans as their first language. It is a daughter language of Dutch, originating in its seventeenth century dialects, and was historically referred to as Cape Dutch. One of the first of these games you play for learning Afrikaans should be the,Vocabulary quizzes - two games with vocabulary lists and audio, each of which contains 17 Afrikaans words. Try.Once you start learning Afrikaans, you’ll discover that there are plenty of opportunities to speak and read it. Most importantly, you will be able to learn Afrikaans online, anytime and anywhere! There exist plenty of software and apps without human interactions. Wordlist, phrase lists and vocabulary drills with audio for learning correct pronunciation. Like in English, you can say “she sits,” but the chair she sits on will be neither male nor female.The best way to learn Afrikaans will depend on your goals, personality, and how much spare time you have. Beginners Afrikaans language arts game that employ an easy and fast learning methodology suitable for kids' classroom lessons and independent study. Afrikaans is a West Germanic language that evolved from the Dutch spoken by settlers in the Dutch Cape Colony in the 18th century. Enjoy our courses Just make sure that a phrase isn’t poetic license before you use it in conversation!Start with playlists to find the songs and artists you like. It’s also influenced by Portuguese, German, and French; the indigenous Khoisan and Bantu languages; and the Asian languages spoken by slaves in Africa.Historically looked down on as “kitchen Dutch,” it was only in 1925 that Afrikaans was legally considered as.Just decades later, in 1974, South Africans of color would find themselves forced to speak Afrikaans instead of their native language. It is aimed at beginner level language learners and anyone who plans to visit South Africa. Therefore, differences with Dutch often lie in a more regular morphology, grammar, and spelling of Afrikaans. A little every day is better than three hours once a week, especially if you’re aiming for spoken fluency.It’s important to use the tools that best suit you. However, if you’re determined to learn from a book instead of an app, both,If you’re willing to read online, you’ll have more luck with graded readers and children’s fiction. Afrikaans podcasts are also a great way to listen to local radio stations in South Africa. Doing this will give you choices such as.At an intermediate or advanced level? So, what is Afrikaans? The fun and effective way to learn and practice Afrikaans vocabulary. Our tutors all come from the Afrikaans speaking countries, mainly Latin America and that is one of the reasons why learning Afrikaans with us is one of the best things you could do when it comes to perfecting your language skills.