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He was not head of Hafez’s security in Argentina. He duly returned — before leaving, Cohen assured his wife the trip would be his last.After intense interrogation — during which it is alleged he was tortured — Cohen was found guilty of espionage and sentenced to death. He then invited them to parties that he held at home.At these parties, the officials spoke freely of their political and military work. This is the story of Eli Cohen.Netflix's drama ‘The Spy’, starring Sacha Baron Cohen, is a spy thriller based on the real-life story of Eliyahu Ben-Shaul Cohen (Eli Cohen) who was once rejected by Mossad, but went on to become a valuable asset that Israel will always be proud takes you through the fascinating life story of Eli Cohen, known the world over for his espionage work in Syria in the 1960’s.Eliyahu (Eli) Cohen was born in 1924 in Alexandria, Egypt in a Jewish family that traced its roots to Aleppo in Syria.

Because of this, during Cohen's last secret visit to Israel in November 1964, he expressed fear of the possibility of discovery and stated that he wished to terminate his assignment in Syria. Dennoch verblieb Eli weiterhin in Ägypten, selbst noch 1949, als seine nächsten Familienangehörigen nach Israel auswanderten, denn er hatte einerseits noch vor, einen Abschluss in Elektrotechnik zu erwerben, andererseits war er in Untergrundaktivitäten der ägyptischen Zionisten verwickelt. Grew up in Riverside, California; graduated North High School, 1988. Erst im Jahre 2005 konnte Staatspräsident Moshe Katzav die noch lebenden Agenten der Operation öffentlich ehren bzw. He used these parties to collect the information that spilled from the mouths of the intoxicated Syrians.In this way, Cohen managed to ingratiate himself with Syria’s ruling political and military elite, and they frequently asked him for his take on the burning issues of the day. They used highly sophisticated radio tracking equipment and insisted on long periods where no radio transmissions were permitted, in an effort to track down any illegal transmissions that they heard.A large volume of radio traffic was heard and traced back to its source, Cohen’s apartment. Cohen was recruited into the ranks of the Mossad agents in 1960 when the organization was looking for someone that could infiltrate the Syrian government.None of the current agents were suitable for the task but the Director-General of the Agency at that time, Meir Amit, selected Eli from a file of rejected candidates. Because of that, perhaps he just tired of the whole charade.”,Am 10. There are even suggestions al-Hafiz was grooming Cohen to be his successor.Feigning sympathy for Arab soldiers posted there who were exposed to unrelenting sunlight, Cohen urged authorities to plant at every position to afford the troops shade — in fact, the trees served as targeting markers for the Israeli military. In addition, the commander of Syrian Intelligence, Colonel Ahmed Su'edani trusted no one and disliked Eli. ergaben sich Unstimmigkeiten, die das Bild dieses tragischen Helden unter einem neuen Blickwinkel erscheinen lassen….Elijahu (Eli) ben Schaul Cohen wurde am 26. His communication skills impressed one and all and soon he became a chief advisor to the Syrian defence minister. On May 15 1965, Cohen wrote a final letter to his wife, begging "dear Nadia" not to spend her time "weeping about some thing already passed. Die politischen Nachwehen der Affäre in Israel selbst erschütterten massiv die politische Stabilität und das Vertrauen in die eigene Regierung. While scanning through the files of rejected cases, Mossad’s then Director General Meir Amit stumbled upon a file. He became friends with Colonel Amin Al-Hafez (played by Waleed Zuaiter) while fending off uncomfortable question from Colonel Ahmed Su'edani (Alexander Siddig…