And it isn’t about the fact that he needs to get out and enjoy makes exactly a year that we met. But as I got to know them, its always seemed to end of the same way, with me letting them go and moving on. You need only regard the sunny outlook of Aquarius and the more dusky perspective of Scorpio to see that, almost literally, these individuals are like night and day to one another.Aquarius is ruled by the symbol of the water bearer, a figure in ancient times responsible for traversing great distances to bring nourishment to the community.Scorpio, on the other hand, is ruled not just by the scuttling scorpion as seen in its constellation, but also by symbolic animals like the serpent, the noble eagle and the mythical phoenix.The fact so many animals can be attributed to one sign shows how complex these people are, and their reputation for being enigmatic.Their love of digging out secrets means that Aquarius and Scorpio will assuredly be drawn to one another, finding great curiosity in their contrasting worldviews, unique perspectives and lifelong experiences.There can be a great many discussions of the big questions in life, as well as a shared love of wicked humour that creates quite the tight-knit bond rather rapidly.However, the emotional realm is perhaps where things get difficult.Aquarius is a star sign ruled by the air element, signifying a quick mind that races with thoughts, and also a preference of putting the head over the heart. While the Aquarius man and Scorpio woman have quite different personalities, there are a few common traits that can become the basis of their friendship. If we sense that someone is holding back, we tend to get that "detached" appearance as a defense... Not saying it's right, but its no different than the walls put up by a Scorpio. The Waltz of Aquarius Man and Scorpio Woman. Scorpio woman and Aquarius man is GREAT in the bedroom, but emotionally, Aquarius man cannot give Scorpio woman the FULL attention she craves and needs in order to exist and function as a mate. Aquarius man, Aquarius woman: Dating and early stages of the relationship .

Despite this, an Aquarius man is one of the safest partners a Scorpio woman could have. Jealousy is a major issue in any relationship with a Scorpio and, if it impacts her mate’s freedoms, things will go downhill fast. In some cases, an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman will like each other from the start. Emotions run hot and deep, and solidifying that with a private ceremony that shows the select few how passionately they love their Aquarius mate.Meanwhile, the Aquarius likes the idea of a big party full of happy people and tipsy shenanigans, but the idea of locking themselves to one individual can be disastrously scary if introduced into the relationship too swiftly.Aquarius people have little time for tradition and long-established systems in society that no longer serve a purpose.While perspectives on marriage vary by the individual, more often than not you’ll find Aquarius people to be rather disillusioned about marriage, or finding it a stuffy excuse to waste money and become something they’re not.In a relationship in which Aquarius feels utterly free to follow his or her whims, the concept of marriage is more palatable than the Aquarius and Scorpio norm, which is a silent power struggle hidden by smiles.Scorpio wants attention and affection, and most of all for Aquarius to just sit still long enough to meaningfully bond over just that.Aquarius, meanwhile, fears that doing so risks uncomfortable emotions, dissolution of identity and having to check in with someone for everything they do and everywhere they go.With many relationships and marriages this can feel like an unfair accusation, yet in an Aquarius and Scorpio marriage particularly, unfortunately these fears are somewhat founded.Luckily, since Aquarius and Scorpio have so many points of connection as the zodiac’s quiet rebels, wildcards and off the cuff thinkers, this marriage can have potential too if handled the right way.One good approach is a kind of shared project or life mission – the marriage becomes an alliance by which the pair can turn their ambitions to the community, the arts or to science or invention.One thing to definitely watch for is the Aquarius tendency to bore easily and need rapid moving surroundings and solutions to work with.For Scorpio, still waters run deep, and although they can be swift and decisive in getting what they want, they altogether lend themselves to dependable rhythms that the Aquarius might find unbearable.