Records show that the foreign-run Facebook group Kayleigh McEnany OFFICIAL had at least 456,000 members just weeks ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Reality: The finding of such animal residues in association with the site is hardly surprising when one considers that animals are likely to have roamed across these Turkish hillsides for thousands of years. has become a frequent question for reporters, and voters, since Trump began his political career in 2015. Back in 1992, Wyatt’s “Noah’s Ark” claim (see This is not the Ark of Noah) was subject to a thorough investigative exposé in this magazine (see online version).5 The 13-page report told of how this ministry had checked the claims, even ringing the lab staff that had done the analyses, for instance. There are some interesting theories as to why the president keeps sharing misinformation to his followers. Bible mystery SOLVED: Ark of the Covenant home has been FOUND, claim scientists FOR millennia, adventurers have searched for the Ark of the Covenant – but … If that had happened here, and particularly if the scientific surveys conducted by highly qualified professionals using sophisticated instruments had been more widely publicized and their results taken note of, then these claims would never have received the widespread credence that they have. "Was he joking?" Is the presence of the Ark beneath the Holy area perhaps symbolic of the fact that the world is not yet ready for the revelation of the Ark. Source: Daily Star. Example:   [Collected via e-mail, December 2013], Origins:   One of the most familiar accounts found in the Old Testament is the Book of Genesis story of Noah, who upon God’s instruction built an ark to preserve himself, his family, and the animals of the world when God decided to destroy the world with a flood due to His regret over. The Bible says that the Commandments were preserved by the Israelites in a wooden chest covered with gold, the Ark of the Covenant. Reality: No trained scientist of the many who have visited the site has ever seen any sign of these ‘trainloads’ of petrified wood. We read about this in Revelation 21:2–3: “I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. Opposite to these, on the port side, a single rib [A] protrudes from the mud. Reality: No microscope thin section has been produced to show whether the samples collected and claimed to be slag do in fact have the internal texture and mineral composition of a true slag. You can see its curved shape very clearly. The initial investigation of the site found no evidence of an ark and reported that the object of interest appeared to be nothing more than a natural formation, but a number of scientific-sounding articles nonetheless still tout findings supported by “visual evidence,” “ground-penetrating radar” and laboratory analysis of “artifacts retrieved from the ark” as documenting the presence of Noah’s ark at the Durupinar site.

Most of the whistleblower complaint dealt with general medical negligence at a Georgia facility, particularly around COVID-19.

Other theories grew out of specific passages in ancient texts. The Ark of the Covenant—could it even be found? Archaeologists shed new light on Biblical site linked to the Ark of the Covenant. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.’ ” A recovered ark of the covenant doesn’t fit this picture—it would be a disappointment. Ark of the Covenant 'found' in 3,000-year-old temple covered in animal dung The astonishing discovery was made in Beit Shemesh, 12 miles west of Jerusalem in modern-day Israel. Perhaps the most intricate theory involves Menelik I, the alleged son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, taking the ark to Ethiopia. They are unanimous that there are no scientific principles employed. They contain no petrified wood holding in the mud in any way reminiscent of the outer planking of a wooden hulled vessel. The vice presidential candidate met with Blake’s family in Wisconsin after police shot Blake several times in the back.