He covered three Olympic Games and three world championships, along with multiple smaller regional and local games.The Nassau Guardian’s ownership has been “pro-active in the pursuit of freedom of information, inclusive in terms of community coverage, zealous in the protection of editorial independence, and committed to providing the best customer service for our advertisers and readers.”,Sign up to receive breaking news in your email,© Copyright 2020, The Nassau Guardian. Since being drafted in 2007, he has done nothing but impress. A garage full of them. A pair of global athletic champions, one from the Olympics and the other from the world championships, were named as The Nassau Guardian’s Athletes of the Decade for 2010-2019. In the latter, she achieved CARIFTA, World Youth, Diamond League and Olympic glory this past decade, winning at each level. Since being drafted in 2007, he has done nothing but impress. LeBron was one of the best high school prospects ever. Michael’s appearance in his first big professional meet was the 2000 Summer Olympics in Australia at the age of 15. These athletes have made history, including such moments LeBron James making eight straight finals appearances and Serena Williams winning her 23rd major singles title. This year, Curry had a broken wrist in October. Bolt dominated once again in Rio in 2016. Thirty-five members of the USA TODAY Sports staff voted to determine the top 50 athletes of the decade. Although, Mike Trout has been to the playoffs only once, he has done everything for his team.

She was 13th in the 400m free, finished 23rd in the 800m free and was 37th in the 200m free.Johnson, 35, has won numerous internationals titles during his career including the World Boxing Council’s (WBC) Continental of Americas Middleweight Title, the WBC Silver Middleweight Title, the World Boxing Association’s (WBA) International Middleweight Title and the North American Boxing Federation’s (NABF) Middleweight Title. She would continue her dominance into the 2010’s. Here’s a few athletes that were constantly filling up the highlights reels.– Durant has been a top player in the NBA for a long time now. He finished the year second in MVP voting to Miguel Cabrera. The Bahamas has watched both Shaunae Miller-Uibo and Steven Gardiner grow from blossoming young teenagers to sports superstars this past decade, seemingly overnight.

His first Olympics happened in 2008 in Beijing. For his career, he averaged 31 home runs, 83 runs batted in, a .305 batting average. Biles  started her Olympic gymnastics career at the 2016 games in Rio. Bolt also competed in the 2012 Olympics where he got the gold medal for the 100 meter with a time of 9.63 seconds. Top-class athletes dominating their respective fields are earning more money than ever before. TBE, the Biggest Earner.
But then again, Bolt would beat his 100 meter in 2008 with a time of 9.72 second. Evans, 22, qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the 200, 400, and 800m freestyle events, setting national records in the 200 and 400m. He was voted to eight all star games and won three MVPs in his nine year career.

In the 200m, she won a Commonwealth Games title, and is the three-time International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Diamond League Champion.The only title that continues to elude her is a world title, but at just 25-years-old, it is anticipated that she has the bulk of her senior career ahead of her and will be in the running for many years to come. In 2019, Simone competed in the World Artistic Gymnastics Championship. LeBron went to the NBA finals from 2010- 2018, appearing with Miami and Cleveland during that stretch.

He is considered to be one of the best scorers in the league from the past decade. In the last 10 years, he averaged 27.4 points, 7.3 rebounds.and 4.6 assists. Ronaldo’s pro career started in 2003 as part of Manchester United. February 17, 2020 7:07 pm. He was also part of the record breaking 73-9 team in the 2015-16 season. This year, he is playing his second season for Juventus and is hoping for another championship.– Usain Bolt is simply just faster than everyone else. 1 … The play-in game will feature former women's basketball player Kara Hageman vs. … Biles started competing internationally in 2013 and was named a replacement for the 2012 Olympic games. The full bracket can be viewed.The tournament will be kicking-off today with a play-in match and a first round match-up. This year, she intends to continue her progression, looking to possibly run the double (200 and 400m) at the Tokyo Olympics Games.Gardiner’s rise to the top of the charts gives The Bahamas a legitimate shot of multiple gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics. Phelps would go on to compete  in the next three Olympics, win 22 medals in Olympic competition. Here’s a few athletes that were constantly filling up the highlights reels.
He has been a superstar ever since coming into the league. He went on to win the silver medal behind world record holder Wayde van Niekerk, of South Africa, in the final, and two years later, Gardiner became the sixth world champion in the history of the world outdoor athletics championships for The Bahamas, and the second Bahamian world champion in the men’s 400m outdoors.He also blossomed in the 200m, recording a personal best national record setting run of 19.75 seconds in 2018. The advancing athletes from the first week of matches will be announced on Friday.Thirty-six former and current student-athletes across the department's 19 varsity programs who competed between the 2010-11 and 2019-20 academic years were selected to vie for the honor of 'CWRU Athlete of the Decade.' LeBron has sustained his production and play style even into his 30’s. Where she won gold medals in the balance beam, vault, floor exercise, all around and team. Tom Brady and the Patriots are in contention for the Super Bowl every year.