Constructed in the third century, it was built on a horseshoe-shaped platform upon which stood a circular shrine with a square entrance. Keep in mind that the base of the Baalbek ruins alone weighs approximately 5 billion tons. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6733521879693379"; google_ad_height = 60; From here you’ll be able to see the highly original design of the Temple of Venus, though it’s out of the reach of tourists. (The pillars of Stonehenge weigh about 1/40 of that.) Ancient Mystery . //-->, UFO spotted in LIVE NBC News SkyCam at Fort Worth, TX, Secret Access: UFOs On The Record (History Channel FULL Video), Ancient aliens, structures, pyramides, sphinx…, Red Ice Radio – Philip Coppens – The Ancient Alien Question | RicheousIndigNation, Sonda IBEX da Nasa detecta partículas “alienígenas” em nosso sistema solar « Caminho Alternativo. Their origin is more shadowy than one might expect of a three-million-pound megalith, however. be sure to bring a hat and some sunscreen, especially if you’re visiting in summer. Along with its history, there is a certain Baalbek mystery that is attached to the Temple of Jupiter known as the Baalbek trilithon – group of three horizontally lying giant stones, which form part of the podium of Jupiter. The façade of the shrine is graced by five niches, and within each of these are representations of doves and shells, which many believe is evidence that the shrine was devoted to Venus. It is famous for its exquisitely detailed yet monumentally scaled temple ruins of the Roman period, when Baalbek, then known as Heliopolis, was one of the largest sanctuaries in the Empire. The Baalbek Megalith Ruins & The Anunnaki Ancient Aliens Connection. Located in modern day Lebanon, the ruins stand tall as an archaeological wonder with towering monuments and impressive columns. info Introduction, Aborigine paintings The Romans followed suit in 15 B.C., and under the rule of Augustus, soon built extraordinary temples dedicated to Jupiter, Bacchus, and Venus that still impress visitors nearly two millennia later. At least that is what the creator of the video below is postulating…. To put that in perspective, that is the equivalent of approximately 156 full size African elephants. At the top of the Grand Court, you’ll stumble upon the remaining six pillars of the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek’s colossal Roman temple, the largest ever built in of the Roman world. – Baalbek mystery.. Baalbek ruins ~ Baalbeck could be a town in the eastern Lebanese Republic (Lebanon) noted principally for its glorious, excellently preserved Roman temple ruins. Our app includes all the needs of a beginner or advanced student that wishes to learn Arabic online: courses for Arabic letters,Modern Standard Arabic and Arabic Dialects, clear and precise audios, exercises for pronunciation training,based on the 5 skills of learning and available in several languages. The following video discusses Baalbek in the context of a discussion about those ancient giants….

How people in ancient times were able to move such massive stones is a complete mystery.
It turns out that the ancient Middle East had quite a few giants running around.

Baalbek (Arabic: بعلبك‎) is a town in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, altitude … don’t forget to bring a jacket, as it can get relatively cold if you’re visiting in winter. But what these Roman temples were built on top of is much more important. Upon arriving at the Baalbek’s ruins you’ll find the ticket office to the main site. Located east of the Litani River in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, Baalbek is world famous for its exquisitely detailed yet monumentally scaled Roman temple ruins. Each one of these stones is 19 meters long, 4.2 meters high, and 3.6 meters thick, and weighs around 800 tons. Originally named Baalbek after the Phoenician deity Baal, when the Greeks arrived to Baalbek’s location about 86 kilometers northeast of Beirut in the 3rd century B.C., they changed the city’s name to Heliopolis or “Sun City”. Most of the pillars and walls are still standing. Along with its history, there is a certain Baalbek mystery that is attached to the Temple of Jupiter known as the Baalbek trilithon – group of three horizontally lying giant stones, which form part of the podium of Jupiter. Why should non Arabic speaker learn Arabic language?

These Roman temples were actually built on top of an ancient 5 million square foot platform that was made from some of the largest stones ever used in any construction project in the history of the earth.

The supporting stone layer beneath features a number of stones which weigh an estimated 350 tons and are 11 meters wide. The truth is that the ancient history of the earth contains a lot more mysteries than we were ever told about. It’s free from

None of this, of course, gives any indication of when the large blocks were cut. Soon after, the Arabs came in and conquered the area, building a fortress over the temples. © Unexplained Mysteries Of The World 2019, The Mystery Of The 100 Foot Long Snake In Borneo. Many of the architectural feats found at Baalbek cannot even be duplicated with 21st century technology. In Roman times, Baalbek was known as Heliopolis (after the sun god) and it contained some of the largest and most notable Roman temples ever built.
/* mid-banner */ google_ad_width = 468; Are remnants of earlier temples still buried in the area? The great mystery of the ruins of Baalbek, and indeed one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world, concerns the massive foundation stones beneath the Roman Temple of Jupiter. Located in present day Lebanon, the technology used to lift the over 800 Tonne stone blocks used to construct the Ancient Baalbek Temple complex remains unexplained. The ornamental frieze is superb and the temple, and its surroundings so beautiful that it’s used for events and other special occasions.

Then, in 643, a great earthquake destroyed both what was left of the temple and the entire basilica. To put that in perspective, that is the equivalent of approximately 156 full size African elephants.