Numerous archaeological expeditions have gone to the site starting in the 19th century, primarily German and French groups, and research continued into the 20th century.
A localização das estruturas megaliticos está no topo de uma colina na região, conhecido como Tel Baalbek.

However, what is seen on the site nowadays is generally …
[3], Last edited on 1 September 2020, at 16:24, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Moving the Stones of Baalbek–The Wonders of Roman Engineering",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 September 2020, at 16:24.

A trilithon (or trilith) is a structure consisting of two large vertical stones (posts) supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top (lintel).It is commonly used in the context of megalithic monuments. Um grupo de três horizontalmente deitado pedras gigantes, que fazem parte do pódio do Roman templo de Júpiter de Baalbek , no Líbano , são chamados de "Trilithon", embora eles não se encaixam na definição acima. A palavra Trilithon é derivado do grego "ter três pedras" ( τρι- / tri- + 'três' λίθος / lithos 'pedra') e foi usado pela primeira vez por William Stukeley . The word trilithon is derived from the Greek "having three stones" (τρι-/tri- 'three' + λίθος/lithos 'stone') and was first used by William Stukeley. The most famous trilithons are those of Stonehenge in England, those found in the Megalithic temples of Malta—both of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites—and the Osireion in Egypt.

These stones are placed at a height of 10 meters. c) Baalbek was an important holy place The Ptolemys conferred the title of Heliopolis upon Baalbek. Each one of these stones is 19 metres long, 4.2 metres high, a… The most famous trilithons are those of Stonehenge in England, those found in the Megalithic temples of Malta—both of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites—and the …

Numerosas expedições arqueológicas ter ido para o site a partir do principalmente grupos alemães e franceses do século 19, e pesquisa continuada para o século 20. They are so large that people cannot imagine how they were cut and transported to the site. A palavra Trilithon é derivado do grego "ter três pedras" ( τρι- / tri-+ 'três' λίθος / lithos 'pedra') e foi usado pela primeira vez por William Stukeley. It has been proposed that it was the site of religious/cultic activities during the Iron Age. One of the greatest mysteries of the ruins of Baalbek concerns the foundation stones of the Temple of Jupiter.

Na pedreira nas proximidades, dois blocos de construção romanos , que foram destinados para o mesmo pódio, ultrapassar 1.000 toneladas. They are all 14 ft and 6 inches in height, and 12 feet in thickness. A trilithon (or trilith) is a structure consisting of two large vertical stones (posts) supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top (lintel). There is evidence that the site was built on during this period, found in excavations under the Roman courtyard, and potentially a terrace for an old temple that was covered by the Romans through the Trilithon.The site of Baalbek has been the subject of debate for many centuries. ( ... known as the “Trilithon.” How they were cut so finely and moved into place has defied explanation, particularly considering the blocks are known to have weighed over 1000 tons.

Longe da Europa eo Médio Oriente , outro Trilithon famoso é o 'um Ha'amonga Maui em Tonga , Polinésia .

There is evidence that the site was built on during this period, found in excavations under the Roman courtyard, and potentially a terrace for an old temple that was covered by the Romans through the Trilithon.

Baalbek ruins ~ Baalbeck could be a town in the eastern Lebanese Republic (Lebanon) noted principally for its glorious, excellently preserved Roman temple ruins. Many researchers, Graham Hancock included, reject the traditional explanation that the blocks are the work of the Romans.