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You should not get the nasal spray. People who are sensitive to vaccines or the adjuvants in them can react and vomiting is a possibility . If you get the flu shot during your pregnancy it will provide some protection to your baby after he or she is born. Under the age of 1, babies aren't supposed to have more than 1g of salt (0.4g sodium) per day.

Oh ok. Then it probably was the Tylenol.
I have suppositories for future use. Advice?

He was teething pretty bad so I tried to give it to him but he puked. Flu vaccine and hep a vaccine. All contents copyright © BabyCenter, L.L.C. In the unlikely event your child has the same reaction year after year, then it is probably not a coincidence. Find advice, support, and good company (and some stuff just for fun). If an illness appears 2 to 3 days after getting the shot, it is probably unrelated.

Most foods already have sodium, so adding additional isn't a good idea. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Not sure if this is related but my lo threw up twice after eating avocado. Was both vomiting episodes sometime after he ate the avocado? Flu shots are pretty bull****, not worth the discomfort they cause. Hi, I work in the pharmaceutical business and if you find you are having any unusual reactions to your flu shots (or any other medicine) you should report it straight away as the company who made the medicine needs to be aware of any unusual reactions from their medicine. reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Or perhaps you got the flu shot only to find yourself sick a few weeks later anyway. Then he had avocado prepared the same way the night before from Daddy, but didn't throw up. It's not a live virus, so it can't give you the flu (even a mild case).

I'm not sure if a flu shot would cause vomiting or not. We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Archived discussions are usually a bit older and not as active as other community content. Yes I got the flu shot and the next day my head was pounding room was spinning and was vommitin all day it lasted for about almost 2 days but now feeling better, I had the flu shot on Friday and had no issues aside from a sore arm for a day or two, I had mine 3 days ago an no reactions other than a bit of a sore arm nothing bad. The first vomiting was actually when I tried to give him some infant tylenol the day after the flu shot. But he threw up the tylenol I tried to give him, and then the next day threw up his bottle - the whole thing. I got really fevery with the flu shot in my last pregnancy and ended up calling in sick. And as far as the avocado goes, there is no need to put salt and olive oil mashed up with it. However, people who get the flu shot may experience muscle soreness, fever or nausea. The most common side effect of the flu shot (for both children and adults) is soreness at the injection site. 1997-2020 All rights reserved.

Doc's office said it might be normal for baby to have a fever or be fussy after his 9 month flu shot. Daddy gave him avocado mashed with olive oil and salt and he ate that for dinner before the bottle that he threw up an hour later.
just wondering if anyone had similar experience?

Are you sure you want to delete your discussion? It is more likely to be associated with the vaccine reaction if it occurs right after or within 24 hours in my experience. I'm not saying flu shot gave me all these problem but it has made me even weaker than i was. I will get whooping cough shot definitely but will avoid the flu shot. Do some research, you will find that there are 80+ strains of flu virus and that the shot protects against less than a handful of the "best guess" strains. The flu shot does not contain live viruses, and the nasal spray flu vaccine contains weakened viruses, so it's impossible to get the flu from the vaccine. Are you sure you want to delete your comment? He was teething pretty bad so I tried to give it to him but he puked. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Flu shot and Vomiting: hi ladies, i had flu shot yesterday ( more than 24 hours ago) and I can't stop vomiting! I'm so angry at myself that I gave in when i had the gut feelings that I shouldn't and did this to myself..

It contains killed virus and so she will tolerate it. He's not a thrower-upper in general. Hopefully it won't happen again. Just keep an eye out and if the vomiting continues even though you stopped the Tylenol, I'd call the pedi just to be safe. It might have upset his tummy and caused the vomiting. This discussion is archived and locked for posting. It could be a reaction to something in the Tylenol if it was right after you gave it to him, or it's always possible that he picked up a bug at the doctor's office.