Someone invited you into the dynamic. If you disapprove and don't say anything it will not make you seem easy going. Companies benefit when employees speak up. You'll have become conscious of timing, when to pause and how long for. Demonstrate that you will be truthful with people, that you care about them, and that you give good advice, and you will never lack for trusting friends and followers.

And employees who believed they were expected to suggest ideas spoke up more than those who didn’t feel it was part of their job. Speaking at events and conferences is a good way of building credibility.

They may be afraid of hurting another person, looking mean or foolish, or opening a can of worms that will make a mess in everyone's lives. When employees feel comfortable candidly voicing their opinions, suggestions, or concerns, organizations become better at handling threats as well as opportunities. If you're speaking to an audience of 300 versus one-on-one, then you're driving serious change.

Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking is empowering. And many stay silent because they don't want to do any harm by offending or criticizing someone. It's not enough to have a message, you also need to figure out how to tailor the message to fit the needs of your audience. Your experience and knowledge has value in a given situation. Silence is deemed approval. In the preparation, in the practice and on the actual stage, you will learn much about the art of argument, especially if you get to engage with your audience in some form of question and answer. Public speaking has a long history as a catalyst for nonviolent activism and political change. When you present, you often need to put forward a well thought out argument. It could be an idea, a suggestion, an observation, a criticism...but for some reason they don't want to speak up. Whether your goal is to engage in political debate, make a career as a motivational speaker or gain confidence in front of an audience, public speaking can help you meet your goal. You may end up with projects you don't want, missing promotions you do, or accepting tasks you don't have time or ability to complete. We surveyed 291 employees and their supervisors (from 35 teams overall).

In standing up and speaking in a way that is powerful, you're speaking in a way that will change people’s minds about something. You can learn to calmly take up an opposing view, to present your ideas in an organized and coherent manner, and to defend your views to others.

What starts out as a nightmare can turn into a personal boost.

These two perspectives aren’t mutually exclusive, but researchers wanted to test which one matters more. Try to mingle with the audience for as long as you can after your speech, answering questions and seeking fresh perspectives on your topic. You can't assume the obvious is obvious. Public speaking is a very common phobia, right up there with spiders and heights. They collected survey data from a manufacturing plant in Malaysia, surveying 291 employees and their supervisors (from 35 teams overall) about their personalities, work environments, and frequency of speaking up. But when a person or the team is headed down a dangerous path it's selfish to put your own need to be comfortable above the needs of the others. The study found that meeting a goal was an important factor when it came to increasing the students confidence. If everyone holds back, the bus may silently head over a cliff. Are you one to sit back quietly? Public speaking is a great way of building personal development on many levels, since improving communication skills is helpful in almost every area of life.

You're also not doing yourself any favors by not sharing your expertise.

Listening may be a lost art, but a public speaking course actually teaches you to become a better listener. For instance, it was conducted in East Asia, where people ascribe to cultural value of collectivism and social norms might play a stronger role than in the more individualist West. You’ll find yourself getting new client and business from people who watched you speak. Despite this caveat, our research suggests that if you want your employees to be more vocal and contribute ideas and opinions, you should actively encourage this behavior and reward those who do it.

These benefits of public speaking make getting out of your comfort zone and giving a speech absolutely worth it. He also studies employees’ tendency to participate in both positive and negative deviant behavior.