Non-partisan and simply the best online … Don’t know the answer. Search. For free! Lots of great things to keep in mind.In my 35 years of activism I have found and the care2 site to be about the 2 lamest petition sites in existence. I sent 4 emails to their support team with a critical question and never heard back.Two other sites that are certainly worth including:• has a petition functionality.This is a great petition tools list, thank you so much for sharing! is the world’s largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 200 million users to create the change they want to see.
After all, your cause will never garner widespread support if you aren’t sharing inspiring calls to action across the web.So, what’s the best way to generate buzz for your organization online? Its not like they matter anyways.Does anyone really even care about online petitions?What do you really expect to accomplish with an on-line petition?I'm one of the people who think our standards for immigration need to be increased, not relaxed, that it should be HARDER to come here, not easier.You have yet to post a pic of said women so as soon as you do that we might care.Online petitions mean jack squat.
We provide a free online petition tool to create and sign petitions. see a lot of businesses and consultants use social media tools and services, yet they can’t clearly express the problem they solve for their customers. online petition. Which ones are the best?Made a great petition with but needed technical advice which I never got. They are too easy to ignore, as well, so they don't really get much done. More on how it works. Care2 is committed to fighting for racial justice Join the Fight Fight for Racial Justice. We want to protect our artwork, and we need help from suppoters to accomplish our goals; Save Art With Friends!Thanks, Anecia Price – “Save Art With Friends” Rep.Set up online petitions in no time but with tremendous impact:Socialbrite helps nonprofits with all facets of communications and social media: strategic planning, thought leadership, community building, storytelling & fundraising campaigns.We provide thousands of free tutorials, articles and resources for the social good community.How to do social media marketing during the pandemic,How nonprofits can skyrocket SEO rankings with backlinks,The complete guide to social media listening for nonprofits,How Donorbox powers these nonprofits’ fundraising.Socialbrite is here to help nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, social enterprises, universities and cause organizations use social media marketing to advance your mission.stopping the killing of Cape Town’s baboons,Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported,,,,,,,,,,,,8 great examples of nonprofit storytelling. Don’t end long-term campaigns prematurely, but try to leverage fresh petitions to grow your community each week.Your organization can use tools like Google News Alerts to keep watch over developing news stories that closely align with your organization’s cause. Here are the 11th-20th most-signed campaigns: To … ~ jd.It would be nice to be able to get reporting on the signatures – does anyone have any suggestions?post this to your link and sign my petition please!I’ve used in the past but don’t think I will again. Increase signatures and visibility.In return, we promise to continue doing all we can to make your cause a success.Enter petition 100,000 Signatures in 30 Days. The easiest do-it-yourself tools for creating and promoting an online petition.