Examine the water. PS3.

southeast, southeast, southwest, south three times, through the Moors, wand of Eversion at the mother hungus. and trade (not sell) the tear for the hourglass.

Take the one that is the color Many parts of this game are variable (location of objects, layout of mazes) so it is unlikely you will be able to play the game exactly as laid out below.Go to the northwest and pick a weed, then go southeast, east, south. Buy any potions if you are still missing some. Get on and fly, go northeast, down and get off.Make sure you have the lucky charms (rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover horseshoe), the jar containing the circlet, and be wearing the plate mail armour. Open the This includes cookies from third party websites. Other. Open the statue and take the jar. the corbies were afraid of.

'Wield' a weapon before using it. Your e-mail will NEVER be used for spam.This website uses cookies to ensure we give you the best browsing experience. Hit the baby hungus to piss off its mother. If the vapor manages to steal any of your items,

Now go southeast, south. Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor is also part of the Zork series. The pterodactyl can't fly against the wind, but luckily, you have something with you that can control the wind: the compass rose.

Show all the rods, scrolls (including the palimpsest), and the potion THIS WALKTHROUGH'S METHODS.

Turn Try to go west, and a silver ornament will get hurtled your way. Blow the whistle to summon the pterodactyl.

Beyond Zork blends the puzzles and fine prose of the series with the combat and character-building of role-playing games, and enhances the whole with an incredible new interface. Take that back to the boulder and put it in the pool. Beyond Zork (full title: Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor) is an interactive fiction computer game written by Brian Moriarty and released by Infocom in 1987.

Zork: Beyond Zork - Solve by Erik Futtrup, Denmark futtrup@daimi.aau.dk) and Twan Lintermans, Holland. (it's actually a diamond).Go west. You may as well sell the dagger. Wait and watch for seven turns. Take the lantern, then open the door and go west into the pub.

It's available for download. After it is stolen, take the goblet that is offered, and you will be warped to the Edge of Storms. Go southwest, west, northeast and north to a Stablehouse.

hungus to follow you.

Close the door. later. fight and one is killed along with his horse. Get the hourglass. Go north into the Lobby and take the wand.Head south, west, southwest, southeast, southwest, and east to the Wharf.
You may need

Examine the case and ask the woman about the potions in the case.

Go south into the cabin Laboratory. in: All PC XBOX 360 PS3 WII NDS PS2 PSP GBA Android XBOX IPhone GCN Nintendo64 N-GAGE.

You should now be in the ruins. move. Get the black hemisphere.

items since you no longer need them, except for the wand of Dispel and scrolls of Gating (palimpsest) and Protection. The PDP-10 was a mainframe that would be started all the way back in 1966 but would cease production in 1983. All game titles, art and character references remain the copyright of their respective holders.Make a very detailed map (every location).You may need to explore a lot to find all magic items before doing much else.Find a convenient place to keep all your items - don't worry, they won't be stolen...If you find a potion of enlightenment, shake it before drinking it.Kill the rat-ant when it attacks, then pick up the scroll and read it.When your lantern dies, say the word from the scroll to relight it.Squeeze the moss (after a while, you gain dexterity).Kill the discipline crab and take its crown.Search the pile of shells and take the coin you discover.Climb the crates (after the moss squeezing) and take the bottle.Attack the skeleton twice then take its amulet and wear it.Try to leave by the way you entered the cellar.Find the dust bunny - rub the rug and then touch the bunny.Get the dust bunnies' ring and wear it (and drop that heavy rug).When the dornbeast appears, cut the onion with the dagger.Cut the onion again, and attack again, until the dornbeast is dead (takes a long time...).Wait in the glade for a stallion to talk to you.Throw the vial at the undead warrior to kill it.Take a potion that is lying around somewhere. ).The other scrolls (Fireworks, Mischief, Recall), wands (Annihilation, Sayonara,

There is an armour shop here if you need it. Open it, and examine the white hemisphere. Pet him if you like. then return east and try to go north again. pass by into the Gray Grotto.

Beyond Zork was one of 20 Infocom games bundled in the 1991 compilation The Lost Treasures of Infocom published by Activision.Screenshots were taken by Abandonware DOS.Tell others what you think about Beyond Zork: The Coconut of Quendor: did you play it?

southwest, and northwest to the Intersection.Go north twice to the South Market in Gurth.

a giant spider. ).Speak the word on the palimpsest. Save the game and go down.If a rat-ant scurries in and attacks you in this location, you stand a decent chance of defeating it even with your rusty dagger, so give it a shot; restore if you fail (the door will lock behind you if you try to go back upstairs). This map area is random, so just do the following in roughly this order:Go up and give the bottle to the cook. Continue Open the door and go west twice.

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Squeeze the moss in the Musty Corridor when you find it and you will gain dexterity in six turns.

Finally, point the wand of levitation at the baby (compassion).If you want to get back to the Skyway Entrance, climb a tower and wait for the gondola to come by again.

Wait for the driftwood to appear, then pick it up and wield it (it is now called a shillelagh). When you see the footprints in the snow, rub them out to erase the hunters' tracks.