Black tourmaline is considered as one of the strongest protection stones. Black Tourmaline is a stone of great power and effectiveness, whose energy offers us a shield against sources of pollution, both physical and etheric, while at the same time providing support to purify us from toxins and to strengthen our auric field. Black tourmaline is a hexagonal crystal and part of the aluminum borosilicate family, and specifically, it includes magnesium, iron, and other metal elements that determine its color. Because it can absorb negativity, it can both protect and cleanse you and your environment. Because of its dark coloration, this stone has a strong energy and an ability to absorb negative energy without compromising its own energy. You cannot help but feel safe whenever you carry or wear these stones. Black tourmaline is used by several stone healers to harmonize and balance the root chakras. As a matter of fact, this stone helps protect you from Electromagnetic Field such as cell phones and computers. Ancient magicians relied upon Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from earth demons as they cast their spells. Legendary Uses, and Meaning of Black Tourmaline (Schrol) Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Black Tourmaline.

They are highly protective and grounding, yet gentle and comforting. Black Tourmaline is a very protective stone that can deflect any type of negativity and electromagnetic pollution. The Black Tourmaline crystal stone meaning is connected to its deep pitch-black color. These connect with the sensation of safety and grounding. It's found on every continent in the world, and the most common color is black. It gives good protection against noise and …