The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal of the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti). Status-> IUCN: Endangered Population (Why cateogrize as EN?) Individual blue whales can be recognized by the pattern of mottling on their flanks or sides. Native to the following countries: An…

Sometimes, they talk to each other over hundreds of miles producing songs and sounds of up to 188 decibels. Research, threats and conservation status. You can unsubscribe at any time. We regularly share information with the public about the status of sperm whales, our research, and our efforts to promote their recovery. With such a sparse distribution throughout the world’s oceans, blue whales use powerful vocalizations to communicate with each other across long distances. Aggressive hunting in the 1900s by whalers seeking whale oil drove them to the brink of extinction. In the Southern Hemisphere, small populations remain in the Antarctic, as well as parts of the Indian Ocean.The plight of the blue whale helped to kick start the ‘Save the Whale’ campaign.
These are,Pygmy blue whales are smaller and are generally restricted to the Southern Hemisphere including the Indian Ocean. Now, they are one of the endangered species in danger.

The blue whale eats mostly very tiny creatures, like.The blue whale's body is long and slender.

Blue whales were protected in areas of the Southern Hemisphere starting in 1939. Together, we can:By adopting a whale or dolphin, by making a donation, or by fundraising for WDC, you can help us provide a safe future for blue whales.Adopt a whale and help us protect these amazing creatures.Your gifts help us take action for whales and dolphins.Run, bake, walk, cycle… what could you do for whales and dolphins?Keep up-to-date with all the news from WDC and the world of whales and dolphins.To receive emails about our campaigns and how you can support them, please enter your email address below and press the ‘subscribe’ button. Reports of lethal entanglements for this species are rare, although 12% of blue whales found in eastern Canadian waters carry scarring consistent with fishing gear interaction,Because a single blue whale yielded so much oil, it was highly prized by whalers, but until the advent of mechanized harpoons and factory ships that were fast enough and large enough to chase down and process blue whales, they had been relatively inaccessible.
The gentle giant of the sea, the blue whale is instantly recognisable with a long, streamlined shape, mottled blue or grey back and pale underbelly. Whaling may have stopped but many other human activities still threaten their existence.By supporting WDC, you can help blue whales to live safe and free. The sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke drew attention to the large brain of the blue whale saying: “we do not know the true nature of the entity we are destroying”.The ban on hunting blue whales came into play in 1966, some 20 years before the general moratorium on whaling. & Pitman, R. Vos, A., Brownell, R., Tershy, B. Even their calves are a whopping 7 meters in length, weighing in the same as an adult African elephant.Reproducing once every two or three years, female blue whales carry their young for 12 months before giving birth. We're happy to advise you! It is well known that overexploitation by the whaling industry led to serious declines in many of the world’s populations of whales, although thankfully no species was brought to extinction and many are now in the process of recovering, although not all. Blue whales are the largest animals ever to live on our planet. “True” blue whales refer to the larger,Blue whales occur worldwide in all major oceans except the Arctic.Native to the following countries: Angola;Throughout their range, blue whales feed predominantly on small shrimp-like crustaceans called krill.

This species already slowly recovered because global whaling ban but its still classified as endangered one and still have serious threats, such as ship strikes and impact of climate change. Despite their wide distribution the blue whales are not often encountered, partly due to their reduced numbers, and party because they generally occur in offshore waters, with only a few known coastal breeding and feeding areas.