Civil Rights Movement Facts - 14: The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963 attracted over 250,000 people protesting for civil rights legislation and the elimination of racial segregation in jobs and public schools.

var current_date = new Date(); month_value = current_date.getMonth(); day_value = current_date.getDate(); year_value = current_date.getFullYear(); document.write( months[month_value] ); Civil Rights Movement Facts - US History - Civil Rights Movement Facts Facts - Major Events - Civil Rights Movement Facts - US - USA - Civil Rights Movement Facts - America - Dates - United States - Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Civil Rights Movement Facts - Civil Rights Movement Facts - Issues - Key - Main - Major - Civil Rights Movement Events - History - Interesting - Civil Rights Movement Facts - Info - Information - American History - Civil Rights Movement Facts - Interesting Civil Rights Movement Facts - Historical - Major Events - Civil Rights Movement Facts. The purpose of the SNCC was to assist student activists and organize 'Sit-ins' throughout the southern states. Lamar Smith, a civil rights activist was murdered in broad daylight in Mississippi. The purpose of the the Voting Rights Act was to safeguard the right to vote of Black Americans and banned the use of literacy tests in the voting process. The 1964 Civil Rights Act banned discrimination, ended racial segregation, and protected the voting rights of minority groups. News of the MLK Assassination shocked the world and in the U.S. it fueled the growth of the Black Power movement and the Black Panther Party. Learn Facts about Attack on Pearl Harbor if you want to know the surprise military strike by the Japanese, Facts about Akkadians tell you about the famous Akkadian Empire in ancient Mesopotamia. James Meredith, the first Black student in the University of Mississippi was denied admission in the University, but later, on the orders of Supreme Court, he was permitted to enroll in the University. They held public office... World War II and Civil Rights. ~ Martin Luther King, There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America — there is the United States of America. Civil Rights Movement Jim Crow Laws. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. The interesting Civil Rights Movement facts include the roles of famous black activists including Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Ella Baker, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and Fannie Lou Hamer.
Ella Baker later became a leader of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) and her name became synonymous with the Black Freedom Movement.

Prior to World War II, most Black people worked as low-wage farmers, …

months[3] = " Locate all of the popular, fast and interesting websites uniquely created and produced by the Siteseen network. They employed the non violent protest. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! The civil rights movement was a worldwide series of political movements for equality before the law that peaked in the 1960s.

There is a consensus among historians that after the World War II was over, the struggle for racial equality gained prominence. JFK sent a comprehensive civil rights bill to Congress on June 19, 1963 banning segregation and discrimination based on race, nationality, or gender but was assassinated on November 22, 1963 before it was signed into law. The civil right movement is always associated with the protest which occurred in 1950s until 1960s. This was one of the major factors that led to the 1960s Civil Rights Movement in America.

After the World War II was over, African-American leaders felt that their condition in America was similar to those of Jews in Germany.

"; Civil Rights Movement Facts - 13: Dr. Martin Luther King led a massive peace protest in 1963, called the Birmingham Campaign, which ended in violence when demonstrators were attacked by white supremacists.

It was a movement against discrimination, inequality, injustice, and against segregation of society on the basis of race and ethnicity. months[11] = "The diverse range of websites produced by the Siteseen Network have been produced to help you conduct research on many topics of interest.

"; Civil Rights Movement Facts - 16: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed during the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! The history of the Civil Rights Movement is told in a series of short facts providing a simple method of relating the relevant, significant events and the famous people who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Civil Rights Movement Facts for kidsThe following fact sheet contains interesting information, history and facts on the Civil Rights Movement for kids. months[0] = " Discover the vast range of useful, leisure and educational websites published by the Siteseen network. Civil Rights Movement Facts - 15: Martin Luther King met with President John Kennedy who gave his full support to the civil rights movement. Let us rewind in history to know some Civil Rights Movements Facts. It took 100 years for the people to have the civil right movement. The black people were prevented from voting. The most famous follower of Elijah Muhammad was Malcolm X and its members were referred to as Black Muslims. The struggle of the African American people after the end of the Civil War is explained on Facts about Civil Rights Movement. It was stated on the constitution that slavery was illegal. The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was passed into law to ensure that all African Americans could exercise their right to vote. Some incidents that incited the movement were the Supreme Court decision in the case of. ";

They had fought the war for America and felt that they deserved equal rights.

Civil Rights Movement Facts - 1: The 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution addressing Civil Rights and Black suffrage were the basis of the Civil Rights movement to ensure the rights of African Americans were equal to those of whites. The Civil Rights movement in America was one of the most important events in America’s history.